Thursday, February 28, 2013

One History One Fight

"I long for the time when all of the human history is taught as one history because it really is one history. ." - Maya Angelou

So do I, Ms. Angelou, So do I...

Earlier this month, I was asked to give the invocation for my organization's Black History program. One of the key things I remember praying (I hardly ever remember) is....we thank you Lord that we are not where we used to be, but we know that we are far from where we need to be..." The city's mayor thanked me for saying that and reitered this in his speech as well as encouragement for all of us to do our part.

As we close another celebration of our culture, my prayer to God is that one day reconciliation is not just a token word- but an action seen throughout the entire human race....

Often I have heard people say that February was selected because it was the shortest month....Here's a black history fact and myth debunker: Originally Black history was celebrated for a week- established by Carter G. Woodson.  February was selected/recommended because it is the month that holds the birthdays of the two facilitators of black freedom- Mr. Frederick Douglass and President Abraham Lincoln.

Research and truth will be key factors in reconciliation. Let's do our due diligence. Be blessed!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Spiritual Parenthood is not meant to be a Ponzi Scheme!!!

For my FB Believers: This has been on my mind concerning spiritual parenthood. This is for all of the people as well as the leaders called to be God's elect leadership; responsible for the maturity of the body of Christ to be reconciled to Him.

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 4:15 KJV
"For though ye have ten thousand instructers in Christ, yet have ye not many fathers: for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel." This is my indication that we will have parents amongst us.

However, I must tell everyone that if money is a REQUIREMENT to be associated with a spiritual parent or covering- *Imma* need you to run. Fast. This type of behavior my brothers and sisters is pimping at its finest. Spiritual witchcraft and manipulation. These people are not trusting God for finances- because God does not beat us over the head to do ANYTHING. My children do NOT pay me. Honestly, with God as our lead- our parenting is PRICELESS.  The same goes for spiritual parenthood.

Parenting requires relationship. Relationships are built on time spent together. Sending someone a check is not parenting relationship- that's just being associated with a name. This is cheapening God's vast treasures to a dollar bill. Wrong answer....

If we teach our children (natural and spiritual) HONOR, TRUE GIVING, GRACE, and LOVE as well as how to hear the HOLY SPIRIT for themselves.....the body could hear how to give appropriately.

Giving is important and necessary. However, we are called to give willingly. My brother in Christ always tells me that charity begins at home. If it comes down to your rent or a church payment- pay your rent. That doesn't require a prayer vigil or counseling; use common sense.

This is not to be a full covering of this issue, but merely an educational warning to think or rethink your position on this matter.. Be blessed, FB.

Saturday, February 16, 2013


Forgiveness: It has been on my heart to write about this subject for the last few days. I have been avoiding it because it's hitting close to home these days. And since I was tagged in a post about forgiveness hours after I told God that I would be obedient- I am sure that is no coincidence. So here we go...

Forgiveness is not easy. The first step is the hardest because it is an admittance that hurt has occurred and that a weak point was found. Human beings have an aversion to being vulnerable. This is not about the "you stepped on my shoe" kind of forgiveness. This is the hard stuff- "you hurt my heart to the core" kind of forgiveness.

For me, I have been experiencing some deep hurts and while I have forgiven on one level, there are residual issues that God is still working out in me. I am so glad for a strong prophetic presence in my life that can see my "blind spots." With the exception of a few people in my issue looks like this: I am okay with forgiving you. We can move on. But I have closed the door to my heart to you and I will not open it back up. However, God is calling me to open my heart because I am called to be like Him. To be like Him means that I have to leave the door open to real reconciliation as He would. I want to see God more that I want to hold on to hurt, but some days, I am thinking.."man, this is a bunch of crap.." Now, this does not mean that you let people walk all over you, but hurt people hurt people. Just as we change and evolve, we need to be hopeful and accepting that others can change too. Seeing a person commit and execute a complete 180 is the richest kind of reward in life. It is this type of forgiveness that allows you to love again and not build a wall of protection around your heart.

There is an old saying (and a bumper sticker) that says, "I (Christian) am not perfect, I am forgiven.." However, we forget that this is a two fold sentiment. We are to forgive others as we have been forgiven. God does not remember our sins and after we are forgiven, we are reconciled to Him as if it never happened. This is the kind of love that the body is called to replicate in the earth. Peacemaking forgiveness with a side of unconditional love that can only be accomplished in God's power. Blessings!

***My thanks to Apostle Ivory Hopkins for his obedience to the spirit of the Lord because I am sure that I would still try to delay writing this post. (LOL)

Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Marriage Journey IV

One of the most glaring lessons that I have learned is the quest to becoming a whole me.

Unfortunately, I was not a whole me as a single young woman before I married Terrey. Of course, I thought that I was, but in reality I was not and this caused unnecessary issues that others can now gleam from if one chooses to listen. So grateful for Terrey loving the "hell" out of me.  I am speaking about foundation issues stemming from childhood or early adult trauma, not necessarily maturity issues- people grow and mature together in marriage.

So, my advice is to remember that while marriage is a partnership, each person is should be committed to their own growth with your partner as a walking companion to assist you on your journey. If you are single, it is so important that you take this time to focus on you. Marriage is hard and takes work. One needs to be ready to give all.

Much love.Hope you enjoyed this quick journey and that I have said something that may have blessed you! ♡♥♡♥♡♥

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Marriage Journey III

Today's Marriage Journey:
As I pondered what to say tonight, I ran across this quote:  "Grace ends competition in marriage." Paul Zahl
Reading thid, I realized that I have learned that the purpose of a marriage covenant under God is to be an illustration of His relationship with us.

Grace is a foundational element of this illustration. Grace is unmerited favor. It cannot be bought or earned. It is freely given by the Creator to us and so it should be amongst each other....

Grace in marriage says....I am going to allow you room to grow without judgement. Grace (and love) says in marriage also says that we do not keep score of wrong doing or mistakes. In our lives, grace is the room for God to deliver us collectively and individually instead of us trying to deliver each other. Whew. Selah. Be blessed!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Marriage Journey II

Today's Marriage Journey: One key lesson that I have learned over the course of my marriage is that we choose our course and internal roles with God's guidance. We do not need anyone's opinion impeding on our family.

It is a true statement that until someone walks in your footsteps, they will never know your story. We have been judged and looked down upon by family and friends because of how we conduct our home. This has saddened me deeply, but has taught me (us) how to stand on our beliefs regardless of what people say or think. The result will speak for itself. This tree will bear forth AWESOME fruit..

We are born to pioneer, to transcend, and to shape our own communities. Our marriage  functions based on our strengths and weaknesses; to leverage what we have and make it work for us. The world does not tell us what to do and how to be. We are free in this regard and encourage others to do the same. The advice is to do what functions best in your household because home should be a safe haven and peaceful abode. Agree on a path for household duties...who will work..homework duties..etc etc and while counsel is good- remember that it is the two of you that need to have peace- everyone else gets to take a backseat.  Be blessed!

Monday, February 11, 2013

The Marriage Journey

The Journey: Terrey and I will celebrate our anniversary on Thursday. We often joke about the fact that if our marriage can make it- any marriage can. While this a little joke- it's true.  When we tell our whole story...let's just thank the Lord for deliverance- until it's time to tell it. 

So, in the true spirit of the original Journey series- I'd like to share a few things I've learned about marriage and relationships from MY perspective.

Today's Journey Post: Appropriate boundaries are underutilized and need to be discussed every so often. The opposite sex, children, friends, etc all need boundaries to protect your marriage. Marriage is your first priority human relationship. Boundaries with the opposite sex should take note that intimate conversations are a no go. Closed areas, private lunches, etc have no place with the opposite sex. When it comes to children (age dependent), quality is better than quantity. They need independence and both of you need a break from each other. Use wisdom. Boundaries are important. Talk about them often enough and be mindful of your mate's feelings.

Be Blessed!