For my FB Believers: This has been on my mind concerning spiritual parenthood. This is for all of the people as well as the leaders called to be God's elect leadership; responsible for the maturity of the body of Christ to be reconciled to Him.
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 4:15 KJV
"For though ye have ten thousand instructers in Christ, yet have ye not many fathers: for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel." This is my indication that we will have parents amongst us.
However, I must tell everyone that if money is a REQUIREMENT to be associated with a spiritual parent or covering- *Imma* need you to run. Fast. This type of behavior my brothers and sisters is pimping at its finest. Spiritual witchcraft and manipulation. These people are not trusting God for finances- because God does not beat us over the head to do ANYTHING. My children do NOT pay me. Honestly, with God as our lead- our parenting is PRICELESS. The same goes for spiritual parenthood.
Parenting requires relationship. Relationships are built on time spent together. Sending someone a check is not parenting relationship- that's just being associated with a name. This is cheapening God's vast treasures to a dollar bill. Wrong answer....
If we teach our children (natural and spiritual) HONOR, TRUE GIVING, GRACE, and LOVE as well as how to hear the HOLY SPIRIT for themselves.....the body could hear how to give appropriately.
Giving is important and necessary. However, we are called to give willingly. My brother in Christ always tells me that charity begins at home. If it comes down to your rent or a church payment- pay your rent. That doesn't require a prayer vigil or counseling; use common sense.
This is not to be a full covering of this issue, but merely an educational warning to think or rethink your position on this matter.. Be blessed, FB.
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