Lately, there seems to be a shift in my own life concerning relationships, so I wanted to share this with you all. My list of friends looks totally different than it did this time last year and it is almost unrecognizable from four years ago. This is a season of readjustment and realignments in all of our relationships.
It is great time to take the "birds eye" view of your life and ask God who belongs where. Everyone should have an inner circle of people (or person) that stands with you in a way that others can and will not. This will be a reciprocal relationship.
The Lord showed me a specific details about a person whose motive was wrong towards me and I completely missed all of the signs because we had been friends so long. I was carrying the relationship and when I stopped calling or making contact- it all stopped. This hurt for a great while and that's okay; I learned a lot from this process including that it is okay to walk away/let go from unsuitable relationships as well as get in touch with my humanness on another level. This was indeed difficult for me because like with everything I do- I go hard. I love hard, so letting go is hard as well. used to be.
As for me, I am learning to be grateful for departing relationships. Sometimes they can seem like we have failed along the way, this may or may not be the case- but when the relationship transitions- move with it. It is okay to mourn the loss- just don't drown in it...
One key lesson is to remember to be careful as to not block new relationships based on the old ones. So grateful for the new and old relationships!
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