Friday, June 28, 2013

Giving Up Too Soon...

It is my truest belief that we give up on each other WAY to easily. More than likely it's because of a memory problem and/or a self-centered problem....... After all that I have THOUGHT, said, done, been through...and watch this:  TOOK OTHERS takes a lot for me to just write a person off.

Let me say that the above is my stance now. Most of you who have known me for awhile understand that I was quite the opposite. But God!

Why? Cause God didn't write me off nor did He give up on me. Matter of fact- He gave me a "hope and future." We are to follow His example and let Him guide us..Ask God....what can I do? Ask Him how can you help? Don't just look at them on the ground or step over them and not offer to help...

~Sometimes you have pray people through......Sometimes you release people, but you do not write them off.....Sometimes we need to walk them through the journey.....Be led of God in all your actions.

Have a blessed day on purpose! 

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Thoughts on Recent Legislations in DC

Legislation in DC: Here is my stance about all of it....We cannot solve a spiritual problem with laws. The church has gotten lazy and tried to legislate morals. If the Body was functioning properly- this world would be different.

~WE HAVE TO STOP MAJORING ON THE MINORS AND MINORING ON THE MAJORS!~ We have to get to the root of the problem and stop being reactive!

Most people don't understand ...that our fight is NOT in Washington.'s on the our our our families..what they (DC) do is simply a manifestation of what we've FAILED to do as the Body. This does not mean that we turn a blind eye to what is happening in DC, but it does mean that we need to operate in the strategic function of the Kingdom. Believers!! Get in the Kingdom position! #Matt6:33-God first! #kingdomstrategy #focus #uprooting

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Paula Deen

I believe that we are making too much out of this Paula Deen issue. Here's my take:

1. What she did was wrong. She will (and is currently) suffer the consequences.
2. What she said was wrong. She will (and is currently) suffer the consequences for those as well.
3. The truth is, we all (all cultures and races) have said, thought and treated someone with a bit of racism no matter how pure we THINK we are.
... 4. Until black people can stop using the *N* word as a term of endearment or substituting *nucca or *ninja, we are no better than Paula Deen. She just got caught on TV. I never understood the use of it in music or in greeting each other because really what you are saying is, "what's up stupid/ignorant person?" How is that uplifting or encouraging or loving? This is why I choose to not use the term AT ALL, although I have used it.

If she is a bigot or racist, do not support her stuff. Maya Angelou said it best- "When a person shows you who they are- believe them."

We have to give Paula credit for at least coming clean to say what she did and being transparent about what she did because honestly- she holds more credit for doing this than the Superstar, Super Duper pastors that get on TV, give a generic "my bad" and then continue to receive your financial support and your time.

We need to forgive her, let her suffer the consequences of her actions, and take a LONG, HARD, and STRONG look at our communications in our minds, hearts, and in those places that are not recorded on TV.

Racism is not acceptable on any level, but if we all told the truth and looked in the mirror- we'd remember to remove the plank out of our eye so that we can clearly see how to deal with the speck in our brother's eye.

Monday, June 24, 2013


The word FORWARD has been resonating strongly for the past few days.

Do NOT let the past stay on auto feedback like a broken record. Acknowledge the past. Learn from the past and be renewed by the transformation of your mind. How? By saying, "Yep. I did it, but it is done can I move on?" If forgiveness is needed, do it! Whatever the action is needed, do it!

This is something that I know. I have made mistakes, I have failed, I have made BIG messes. However, God still comes in and takes care of us. We may have some pain, but He still brings us out. Do NOT sit in regret or condemnation; that keeps the broken record playing.

Trust that nothing that has happened or that is currently happening surprises God! But know that He is loving enough to bring you out even if you made a mess as long as you bring it to Him.

Trust that God can make all things new and begin to follow Him FORWARD. Be blessed on purpose and in movement forward!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Trust Fall!!!

There's a game that my sons learned about in school. It's called trust fall. A trust fall is where a person walks up to another person and falls- trusting that the person will catch them.

This game requires a few things:
  1. A person willing to fall 
  2. A person willing to lose control of themselves
  3. A person willing to relinquish that control into the hands of another
My sons, who are both well over six feet tall, are often the "catchers" of people wanting to do trust falls. A couple of reasons for that...they are awesome gentlemen who are more than likely not going to let someone fall. Second, they are big enough to catch anyone in their school for the most part.

God's trust fall is recorded in Matthew 28-29: Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.

God wants us to rest in Him- completely. When the storms of life rage hard and there seems no end in sight- He wants us to throw our hands up, and say- "Trust Fall!!" We have to be willing to let go and relinquish that control unto Him. He is more than capable to hold our weight and burdens.

Who's ready to lift their hands and say, "Trust fall!!" I am! Be blessed on purpose!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Mouth and A Wisdom!

Yesterday, I chuckled at someone who tried to passively aggressively attack me. He said..."surely if LaQuetta can understand, everyone else can..." Interestingly enough and without a beat, I responded with, "My intelligence is above average, so you should probably find another gauge." Everyone exploded into laughter. He tried to bait me- but it didn't even phase me. Most of you who have known me for some years know that this would have ended differently if God had not caught me.

As I went home and reflected upon my day, I was like- wow, God!! I am really free! Jesus!! Thank you!!
There was a time in my life where I would literally plan out conversations with other people in my head. This was a part of my strategy to make sure that no one would have the upper hand.

This was a great plan and defense mechanism, my mind- until I ran across this scripture:
Luke 21: 14-15: Settle it therefore in your hearts, not to meditate before what ye shall answer: For I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which all your adversaries shall not be able to gainsay nor resist.

This was like super liberation for me because I learned to trust God with my responses and He has not failed me yet. Do not take the evil of others and let their actions dictate your peace. Will you let Him help you respond?

Note: I am not telling you these stories to brag, but to show you that overcoming is possible. Surely if He can deliver me- there is hope for everyone. Be Blessed!!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Who Came Up With That?

There is a saying that is bounced around that says: "God never puts more on us than we can bear." I am here to tell you that this has got to be one of the biggest fallacies that I have ever come across since I have been a believer. I have used it before in the past as well. In all honesty, I told my sister/friend this week that this statement is a "bunch of crap." And then I launched into a speech about who make this stuff up? This statement probably came from some well meaning soul who was at a loss of words when comforting someone. We live and we learn.

This week, I received notice that I was going to be taking an involuntary & unpaid vacation (furlough), my car broke down and its a huge bill, and to top it off, my favorite aunt who served in a maternal role in my life died this week. All of this happened within three days. It was more than I could bear. I was exhausted. I still helped others, because the train doesn't stop.

Grateful for His grace because I was Not myself. I felt like Kuzco from the Emperors groove in this scene: Or for those who don't watch feels like I was the little mountain man on the show, the Price is Right, when he falls over the cliff (I can still hear that cheesy music).  Or a wrestler who needs to come out of the game...I had tapped out.

Does that mean that I did something wrong because I just told you that it was more than I can bear? Nope. Why? Because God does NOT always rescue us out of situations. He promises to be with us always. He goes through WITH us and walks us through.

So, what happens? God tells us the answer in 2 Corinthians 13:9 " For we are glad, when we are weak, and ye are strong: and this also we wish, even your perfection." This is a part of the growth process and the "perfecting" that we experience season to season as believers.

If we never had more than we can bear, we would never know the end of our humanness and the beginning of God's strength, mercy, and grace. We would never bring our burdens to Him or reach out to Him, because we would think that we could handle it all.

This week, I am extremely grateful for my husband, my children, and friends who have prayed for me, listened to me, made me leave the house for walks to be silly, making me PB &J sandwiches, dried my tears, cracked jokes and the calls bestowing love on me.

Be Blessed and remember that trials and situations are inevitable. However, we can rejoice because God promises in 2 Corinthians 12:10: "Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.

Saved and Free, But Human Indeed!! #graceabound

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Be more like Christ!

Some phrases that I have heard Christians/Believers/Followers of Christ use over the years....I've even used one of these myself..

-Don't make me put Jesus on the shelf...

-My name ain't Jesus.... (I used to say this a lot)

-If Jesus could just turn His head for a minute...

As representatives of Christ, we have got to do better.....He died so that we can have the grace to be like Him. I am not saying that people are going to be perfect, but we should intentionally and consistently be mindful of WHO we belong to and WHO we represent. It is NOT about US. It is about the effectiveness of our witness as we walk in the light of Christ.

Make a choice today to be transformed into the image of Christ!!!