Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Paula Deen

I believe that we are making too much out of this Paula Deen issue. Here's my take:

1. What she did was wrong. She will (and is currently) suffer the consequences.
2. What she said was wrong. She will (and is currently) suffer the consequences for those as well.
3. The truth is, we all (all cultures and races) have said, thought and treated someone with a bit of racism no matter how pure we THINK we are.
... 4. Until black people can stop using the *N* word as a term of endearment or substituting *nucca or *ninja, we are no better than Paula Deen. She just got caught on TV. I never understood the use of it in music or in greeting each other because really what you are saying is, "what's up stupid/ignorant person?" How is that uplifting or encouraging or loving? This is why I choose to not use the term AT ALL, although I have used it.

If she is a bigot or racist, do not support her stuff. Maya Angelou said it best- "When a person shows you who they are- believe them."

We have to give Paula credit for at least coming clean to say what she did and being transparent about what she did because honestly- she holds more credit for doing this than the Superstar, Super Duper pastors that get on TV, give a generic "my bad" and then continue to receive your financial support and your time.

We need to forgive her, let her suffer the consequences of her actions, and take a LONG, HARD, and STRONG look at our communications in our minds, hearts, and in those places that are not recorded on TV.

Racism is not acceptable on any level, but if we all told the truth and looked in the mirror- we'd remember to remove the plank out of our eye so that we can clearly see how to deal with the speck in our brother's eye.

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