Fifty years ago today, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gave the famous "I have a dream" speech at the largest demonstration to date at Nation's capital. That speech placed him among the ranks of men who have shaped America.
I learned that Mahalia Jackson encouraged him to improvise the Dream speech while he was on stage.
Fifty years is a long time. Thankful that we are not where we used to be and hopeful for where we will be, but as I look around- I'm concerned about where we are and how to get to a better future. I could list all of the stats that show disparities among blacks and other minorities, but we know that we have a long way to go.
As with every killing and act of wrong doing, I know that it breaks God's heart...I often wonder what Dr. MLK would say about Treyvon Martin, racial profiling, sagging pants, the use of the "N" word in ANY capacity, the noticeable disparities in pay & opportunities that still exist....and I could add more things to the list...
It is my prayer that we can all (or more of us) start to operate from a position of what we have in common versus our differences. I pray that we can erase racism....ignorance is no longer an excuse that we can tolerate. We have to all do our part.
Be blessed on purpose!
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