Filling the Gap: There are many amongst us that are experiencing a void in their lives. Human beings are born with a need to worship. Most are filling the void with something else....a list goes on.
As a witness, I declare that nothing can fulfill the void like God can. Many people would wonder why God would create a people to just to worship Him?! Many have stated that this is weird... That's a great question...
Think of worship as a homing signal; a tracker....the GPS built inside of you to get HOME to Him. Note that all GPS systems have a programmable home button....what is your home button set to?
Everyone is worshipping something. The ultimate question is what? The key to finding out what you worship is to assess what you spend most of your waking moments pursuing. Where ever your treasure is....your heart is there also.
When we worship God- it lifts our spirits and refocuses us on what's important. As His sons and daughters, our worship is to reverence and honor Him just as we need to honor our natural parents. It is not a prison sentence, but the process to understand His heart and plans for us.
Be blessed!
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