Truthful Tuesday:
I cannot find one verse or passage of scripture that ceases the gift of apostle or prophet. Nor can I find anything that states that pastors (shepherds), evangelists, or teachers still remain without the first two. If two are gone, they are ALL gone..and vice versa.
However, the bible does state that all five of these gifts were given to the body of Christ for the following circumstance:
......"His intention was the perfecting and the full equipping of the saints (His consecrated people), [that they should do] the work of ministering toward building up Christ's body (the church),
[That it might develop] until we all attain oneness in the faith and in the comprehension of the [full and accurate] knowledge of the Son of God, that [we might arrive] at really mature manhood (the completeness of personality which is nothing less than the standard height of Christ's own perfection), the measure of the stature of the fullness of the Christ and the completeness found in Him." (Ephesians 4:12-13 AMP)
News Flash!! We are NOT there yet!! If this is maturity.....
I often hear people who disagree say that their error is between them and God. Welp, they are involved now because they're teaching error.
Yet again, if someone can specifically point out where God has said no apostles or prophets "after the bible was written," I will recant and humbly apologize. All super duper "revelations" and religiosity can have a seat!
True Apostles and Prophets....Rock on and Rise up! Be encouraged! God's approval and power will vindicate! Keep standing and know you're NOT crazy!
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