Truthful Tuesday (1): This phrase has been ringing in my spirit. ..."Agree with thine adversary quickly!"
A few weeks ago, I received some prophetic warnings (plural) that someone was intending on "using" it against me if you will. My answer, if I did, I will admit it. You know why? Integrity is a must for me and more importantly, it defuses the impact of the attack. My past mistakes and failures does NOT take away from me being called and chosen, nor does it condemn me to hell. God knows ALL about me and my heart...
Folks locked up because they are ashamed of the impact of the truth, when really it should be used as an opportunity and display of God's mercy and grace. Jesus told Judas to come on and do it quickly! And that is who I ultimately answer to.....
So today, tell the accuser of the brethren (aka the devil, his imps, or satan), that yes, it was you....and that you have repented and are now operating under His grace and mercy! ♡♥♡
Receive and walk out your deliverance and peace TODAY with quick agreement! Glory!
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