Wednesday Wisdom:
My washer is broken. It's been broken on and off for a few months now. This time, it should be fixed in a week or two. This means that I have to go to the laundrymat to wash our clothes. However, in my mind, it was a huge inconvenience and I've been pretty irritated about it. So, I went to the laundrymat on Saturday night because it was the best time to be inconvenienced based on my schedule. Lol.
As I was stuffing clothes in the washer, I was lamenting over how I needed to get my life if my coolest plan was the laundrymat on a late Saturday night. Lol. Couple that with some complaining about being there and it is there you'll find my full blown ungratefulness for being in this situation.
Then it happened. God spoke to me and said: "In the midst of being blinded by your own situation, did you even bother to look around?" The question was rhetorical because we both knew I had not. Lol. So, I didn't answer, I just started to look. To REALLY see. I saw His people and was simultaneously filled with sadness, compassion and regret for being so selfish. After I finished looking and apologizing to God, He said: "Do what I called you to do. Be who I chose you to be, where ever you are. Let this be a reminder. Pray for them. Your situation is temporary, but you don't know what theirs is like because you were focused on yourself. And so I prayed and left there a better woman.
The Wisdom: Be mindful of others. Be grateful. Do not let what is temporary take your focus off what's really important.
#WednesdayWisdom #wisdom #wisdomwednesday #wellnesswednesday
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