Saturday, January 5, 2013

Defense or Representation?

Often I have heard Christians say that God needs defending. You've got to be kidding me...I do not believe this to be true. It is one thing to stand for faith, but it is another to think that you need to defend God...I am talking about the kind of defending that is similar to defending a territory- a militant mindset.
Here are three key attributes of God that helps us to understand who He is......
  • Omnipresent: God is ever present in all places at all times
  • Omniscient: God is all knowing
  • Omnipotent: God is unlimited in power
There are many scriptures that tell us that God defends us..Psalms is full of them. However- I have yet to find one scripture where there is a requirement for us to defend Him. He is our creator- we need HIM to defend and cover US- not the other way around. Jesus did not even defend Himself!
Believers: God is not on our level. He has survived thousands of years without our "defending." The defending that people speak about has led to wars and other drama. God is not a gang member and His "set" doesn't need to "have His back.." We cannot take the ways of the world and apply it to His principles. We are the standard that the world should look to mimic. Sadly, the body is often mimicking the world.
Life Alert:  Through a barrage of incidents where I was misunderstood and misjudged, God showed me that I will not have time to defend myself- just as Jesus did not. This does not mean that one should not have a line of accountability. Everyone should have a inner circle of people that will keep them in line. But most importantly- one should be accountable to God. We have to be about the Father's business.
We are God's ambassadors (2 Cor 5:20) and we should operate as such. This does not mean roll over and die, but it means to live your life as His light. It is easy to go back and forth with people about defending God, but it takes concerted effort to go out and love the hell out of your enemies. If you are focusing on that, trust me that defending Him will take a back seat quickly.
Our requirement as His representative is to display His character, His will, and His mission. God is love and He expects that His love manifests itself through us as His royal priesthood. This representation is all the defense He needs from us.

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