Sunday, January 27, 2013

Uniquely Created

A Journey Moment: There is room for everyone to be who they are. There is no need to compete with each other, specifically leaders and mature believers of Christ. It is sad and disappointing to see people hating or copying from others instead of being themselves.

God created each of us fearfully and wonderfully (unique). It is important for us to be ourselves and not try to be anyone or anything else. The reason why each of us was created uniquely is to display that uniqueness within your sphere of influence......

So, instead of worrying about what others are doing, copying the style of others, or snooping on FB pages to see what they are up to- try a new thing. Stop shooting them down, speaking negative words and/or sending word curses. Bless them. Honor them for being bold enough to step out. You have NO idea what it took for them to be there! And the behavior above can be felt by the ones trying to move forth. Why do we keep shooting our own?

The path to individual peace is being secure in who you are- set out to figure that out and stop shooting others. Picture each life as an individual as a piece of a puzzle. When a piece is missing,  the puzzle is not complete. Be a complete you and stop cheating the world! Be blessed!

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