Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Perspective: How you look at a matter determines whether you are a victim or an overcomer. As I was visting home this weekend, my husband and I traveled along some of the places where I had experienced great pain. As I was visiting one of my aunts, we spoke about some things in the past. In each of these scenarios, I felt peaceful. I told my aunt that I had reconciled my past and that it has no hold over me.

It took some time, but I realized that each and every event is a part of my story. While some events are unpleasant, unfair, and downright evil- it is still a part of my story. It is not the end, nor does it determine the destiny that God has for me. However, it did shape the woman that I am...And this weekend was one of many reminders that it is important to remember that my entire life was not made up of tragedy.

As I look over the time, Romans 8:28 has come alive in my life. Romans 8:28 states that "All things work together for the good of those who love the Lord and who are called according to His purpose." All things have truly worked out for me. God sent some awesome people into my life that have planted and watered the seeds of God's power. Seeds of a hopeful future. Seeds of a life beyond negative circumstances. Seeds of understanding and love through the manifestation of God's Kingdom family- what family should really be.

Today, chose to look through the lens of a positive way forward. A positive perspective changes the atmosphere around you. There was this rhyme I remember while growing up that goes.."You are what you eat from your head down to your feet.." I would say you are what you see from your head down to your feet....As I begin to agree with God's word and His promises about me- my life began to change. Once I stopped telling myself that my past was a hinderance instead of a part of a story- I became free. Once I understood the power of an overcomer- my mind, my life, my sphere of influence increased greatly. So, what lens are you looking through today? You make the choice for your own life and your family's life. Speak life to the dry bones around you! Refuse the enemy's tactic of being a victim or martyr. Make the choice to be happy, live free, and walk in the abundance of peace that God so freely gives.
