Sunday, January 27, 2013

Uniquely Created

A Journey Moment: There is room for everyone to be who they are. There is no need to compete with each other, specifically leaders and mature believers of Christ. It is sad and disappointing to see people hating or copying from others instead of being themselves.

God created each of us fearfully and wonderfully (unique). It is important for us to be ourselves and not try to be anyone or anything else. The reason why each of us was created uniquely is to display that uniqueness within your sphere of influence......

So, instead of worrying about what others are doing, copying the style of others, or snooping on FB pages to see what they are up to- try a new thing. Stop shooting them down, speaking negative words and/or sending word curses. Bless them. Honor them for being bold enough to step out. You have NO idea what it took for them to be there! And the behavior above can be felt by the ones trying to move forth. Why do we keep shooting our own?

The path to individual peace is being secure in who you are- set out to figure that out and stop shooting others. Picture each life as an individual as a piece of a puzzle. When a piece is missing,  the puzzle is not complete. Be a complete you and stop cheating the world! Be blessed!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Keep Focused

Today's Journey: I found myself frustrated because I was in a position where I was experiencing a lot of criticism, backbiting, and negativity towards me directly. So, praying- I told the Lord that there are too many to even try to explain. My understanding of His response: "Daughter, there comes a time where you have to mature and realize that you cannot respond to EVERY or even ANY of the naysayers in your life. Keep your focus on Me and what I have told you to do."

There comes a time where you have to create a tunnel vision approach to your life. It is important to have people around you who can hold you accountable, but there is a time that we need to let the words of others roll off our backs and keep moving.
The Word: "Settle it therefore in your hearts, not to mediate before what ye shall answer: for I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which all your adversaries shall not be able to gainsay nor resist." -Luke 21:14-14.

Keep looking up to Him and Let your LIFE speak the volumes of the message that God has given you! Be blessed! .

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Realistic Expectations

The Journey: One of the most interesting things I have learned is how to have the proper expectation in life. Often, I have seen that Americans have the mindset that someone owes them something. I believe that we are fed that lie in our youth. The truth I learned is that no one is going to give you anything on this earth.

Business owe you a paycheck after a period of performance. You are not necessarily going to make friends. And based on our economy, it should be known that business are out to make a profit and are looking in the best interest of that company. We are responsible for ourselves and we have to do what is best for ourselves. While I do believe that we are headed for a paradigm shift in this area, it is not here yet.

The biggest key I have learned in this area is that when people show you who they are (notice I said show and not tell), believe them. If they are liars, gossipers, or great people- then that is what they are. I have learned that proper expectations give you a dose of reality and assist you in maintaining a proper perspective. In other words, proper expectation keeps me out of denial and presents a realistic truth in my life that assists me in obtaining peace as well as proper vision & insight. Be blessed, FB.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Defense or Representation?

Often I have heard Christians say that God needs defending. You've got to be kidding me...I do not believe this to be true. It is one thing to stand for faith, but it is another to think that you need to defend God...I am talking about the kind of defending that is similar to defending a territory- a militant mindset.
Here are three key attributes of God that helps us to understand who He is......
  • Omnipresent: God is ever present in all places at all times
  • Omniscient: God is all knowing
  • Omnipotent: God is unlimited in power
There are many scriptures that tell us that God defends us..Psalms is full of them. However- I have yet to find one scripture where there is a requirement for us to defend Him. He is our creator- we need HIM to defend and cover US- not the other way around. Jesus did not even defend Himself!
Believers: God is not on our level. He has survived thousands of years without our "defending." The defending that people speak about has led to wars and other drama. God is not a gang member and His "set" doesn't need to "have His back.." We cannot take the ways of the world and apply it to His principles. We are the standard that the world should look to mimic. Sadly, the body is often mimicking the world.
Life Alert:  Through a barrage of incidents where I was misunderstood and misjudged, God showed me that I will not have time to defend myself- just as Jesus did not. This does not mean that one should not have a line of accountability. Everyone should have a inner circle of people that will keep them in line. But most importantly- one should be accountable to God. We have to be about the Father's business.
We are God's ambassadors (2 Cor 5:20) and we should operate as such. This does not mean roll over and die, but it means to live your life as His light. It is easy to go back and forth with people about defending God, but it takes concerted effort to go out and love the hell out of your enemies. If you are focusing on that, trust me that defending Him will take a back seat quickly.
Our requirement as His representative is to display His character, His will, and His mission. God is love and He expects that His love manifests itself through us as His royal priesthood. This representation is all the defense He needs from us.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

In Too Deep To Stop Now

There is this song that my daughter had an interest in some time ago. The lyrics went something like this..."You're hot and you're cold; you're yes and you're no; you're in and you're out; wrong when it's right; black when it's white, etc.." One day, I was imitating the singer and messing with my daughter, when I had a biblical realization. God tells us to be one way. He would rather us be hot or cold, say yes or no, and not to be lukewarm. What do we do when something is lukewarm in our mouths? We want to spit it out. As our creator, we mimic Him in ways we don't even realize- God says the same in His word- lukewarm equates to being spewed out of His mouth (Revelation 3:16).

On a few occasions, many people have said to me that I am just "too holy" or "too deep" for them. It is/was not a compliment. It was meant to be a condescending remark to say that my behavior was not accepting to them or that I was too extreme. This conversation usually results from something that I have stated that I have changed. Examples: I stopped cursing. I talk about the Lord alot and how I can see Him at work in my life everyday. Note that there is an element of truth to their statements. With the exception of a few areas of my life, most people in my life can verify that I am an extreme person. When I was in the world- I shut clubs down, drank until the last drop, and dropped it like it was hot. There was no question about what I was doing.

Life Alert! God did not change my personality when I got off the wall; He merely delivered me and guided me in His way for His glory. Just as I was bold for the world- I am just as bold for the Lord.

While there was a transition period where God had to convince me to come off the wall, trust me- upon the realization that I was wrong, I was full speed ahead for Jesus. In saying that- the Lord tells us to be holy, for He is holy (1 Peter 1:16). This is not a question, but it is a fact- a commandment. If He tells us to do it, then apparently it is possible for us to do so. There are many scriptures that tell us to "go deep" and to "be holy" but I cannot find ANY scripture that says to stop being so holy.

If you find yourself running for Jesus and someone makes a comment about you being too deep, remember that the bible calls for us to be deep. The Lord commands us to be holy, just as He is holy. There are usually two reasons why this accusation presents itself. Pride and jealousy. It is the fact that they secretly admire the fact that you are walking with the Lord closely. It is easier to accuse than to ask you how you did it.

The first mistake that I made was to try and dumb it down to fit in. Nope. Didn't work. Even though it was only me trying to convince them that I was cool- I was not happy because it wasn't who I really was. Please do not try this at home. Do NOT try to dumb it down or fit in because God calls us a peculiar people! We are not meant to succumb to this type "peer pressure!" We all have areas that we need to work on. Get around people who have mastered this area and be humble enough to state that you need some help in this area!

My lesson learned was that I am in too deep to stop now! I have come too far from where I have started from and while it is not easy- the journey has been worth it.

Blessings be unto you!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Despise Not Small Beginnings

Hello Everyone,

Since this is my first blog publishing as well as the beginning of a new year, I thought it would be appropriate to write about new beginnings. Everyone looks forward to the new year. God's word tells us that He consistently does a new thing in our lives (Isa 43:19).

A lot of us suffered many losses in recent years. Whether it was death, tragedy, job loss, relationship loss, pay reductions, houses, divorce, or illness just to name a few. Many of felt like we had hit rock bottom and that life would never really be the same. However, our rock bottom is the beginning of a new chapter- a new beginning.

Towards the end of 2012, the Lord spoke to me and said "Despise not small beginnings.." Often, we think that small equals failure and that our ministries, businesses, or other areas in our lives are outside of His plan for our lives.  However, I would encourage you today that everything started somewhere! Despise not small beginnings because growth does not always happen overnight. Despise not small beginnings because you are setting a foundation for your next level. Despise not small beginnings because though your beginning was small, your latter end shall increase! (Job 8:7). There is no where to go but up!

May the Lord bless you in all of your endeavors in 2013!

Be Blessed!!