Thursday, February 27, 2014

Proper "Human" Vision

Psalms 146:3 states.."Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help." Often I have heard people use this scripture when something has occurred that did not go the way they had hoped....This is often stemming from a disappointment. However, let me point out that the disappointment comes from an unmet expectation. More often than most are willing to admit, they are unfair to that person and puts them in a place of idolatry. There is no human on earth designed to meet every need of another. 

Instead of putting a human down for not meeting a need that you expected them to meet, take it to the Father from whom your help cometh. When applicable, He uses people of His choosing and not your own. God uses these experiences to show you that He is your source and to also help you to not operate in idolatry.

I have been on both sides of this coin and neither side feels good. In disappointment, learn how to seek God first and foremost and to see them as God sees them. In failing to meet a need, a person learns humility and increases in their strength against people opinions.

Manage your expectations for other human beings and watch yourself obtain a freedom that cannot be compared. Manage your expectations and watch your vision of the roles of other people in your life become healthier. Be blessed on purpose!!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Plot of Valentine's Day

Good Morning!

I have a few things to say about Valentine's Day:

God is love and Cupid doesn't belong to Him. Cupid is to tomorrow what Santa Claus and the Easter bunny is to Christmas and Easter.

Commercialism says you have to set aside a day to "prove" or "show" your's a ploy to trap you into spending.

Love is so much more than one day.....this actually disrespects real love, real love takes work and faithfulness.

Another issue with this day is that it flies in the face of people who aren't married or in a relationship. It says, "You're less than," when nothing is further from the truth. Walking as an individual is NOT a punishment...Good grief. Is that even godly? (Rhetorical)

This is not an admonition for you to stop doing what you are going to do because all of you are grown. Take some time and research...It is just food for thought and an opportunity for you all to see the commercialism for what it is.......

Note: Back when we acknowledged the holiday and before we married, I asked Terrey to not buy me flowers or any gifts that day.....I asked him to do those things when it came upon his heart to do so........and what do you know! My reward for that decision- I get better surprises ALL YEAR LONG!

Have a great day. Love y'all to life for life!!!!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Proper Expectations

Truthful Tuesday: Leaders don't let folk guilt you with their invalid expectations of you. This is how you replace Jesus and become an idol in people's lives.

If you know me, youve heard me say: My name is LaQuetta and NOT Jesus.

"If folks were as bold seeking God as they are/were in their sin, we'd see more deliverance and power in the body of Christ!" -Terance D. Glaze

"First of all....when you encounter an issue, one should pray first...I believe that when you can't reach someone...then God wants your attention." -John Lowery

~Seeking Jesus is first! He is the standard
~Jesus is the only one who died for you
~Leaders set boundaries and point people to Jesus
~Honor and respect, but do not idolize leaders

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Fall Out of Agreement!

This week I received a message (addressed to me and others)....the author of the message stated that..."we all agree on X." Now, this was no problem if we had all actually agreed. Immediately, I sent a note letting them know that I did NOT agree.

I heard the Holy Spirit say this is how it is in the Kingdom. ..people are falling in agreement with things that are contrary to God's words and principles. We need to fall out of agreement with anything that is unbiblical.

This is especially true in music....most people allow the beat of the music to lull them into agreement oh so quietly and quickly with very little fight.

Be mindful about what you speak over your life whether in music, in thought, in deed, or agreement with others. Fall OUT of agreement with anything contrary to what God says about you.