Friday, December 26, 2014

No Compromise!

To Whom That Have An Ear To Hear: The Lord said Do NOT Compromise; He will bring His word to pass.

As I was receiving His word, God used Abraham as an example. Abraham and Sarah decided that God was taking too long, so they took matters into their own hands. The result was Ishmael. Do not birth an Ishmael trying to do God's job!

If He tells you not to take the money, do not take it. If He tells you not to partner with them, stay away!

Yes, He has given many promises and dreams that have not come to pass.....yet. Trust and Rest in Him by resisting the temptation to take matters (actions that belong to Him, not actions/steps that He's told you to take) in your own hands.

May the Lord bless those who hear and obey His word...Obedience is better than sacrifice.


Sunday, December 21, 2014

35 Gifts Your Children Will Never Forget By Joshua Becker

Becoming Minimalist
Own less. Live more. Finding minimalism in a world of consumerism.


“You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.” —Kahlil Gibran

"I have countless holiday memories. Most of them center around faith, family, and traditions.

Very few childhood memories actually include the gifts I received. I distinctly remember the year that I got a blue dirt bike, the evening my brother and I received a Nintendo, and opening socks every year from my grandparents. But other than that, my gift-receiving memories are pretty sparse. Which got me thinking… what type of gifts can we give to our children that they will never forget? What gifts will truly impact their lives and change them forever?

To that end, here is an alphabetical list.

35 Gifts Your Children Will Never Forget:

1. Affirmation. Sometimes one simple word of affirmation can change an entire life. So make sure your children know how much you appreciate them. And then, remind them every chance you get.

2. Art. With the advent of the Internet, everyone who wants to create… can. The world just needs more people who want to…

3. Challenge. Encourage your child to dream big dreams. In turn, they will accomplish more than they thought possible… and probably even more than you thought possible.

4. Compassion/Justice. Life isn’t fair. It never will be – there are just too many variables. But when a wrong has been committed or a playing field can be leveled, I want my child to be active in helping to level it.

5. Contentment. The need for more is contagious. Therefore, one of the greatest gifts you can give your children is an appreciation for being content with what they have… but not with who they are.

6. Curiosity. Teach your children to ask questions about who, what, where, how, why, and why not. “Stop asking so many questions” are words that should never leave a parents’ mouth.

7. Determination. One of the greatest determining factors in one’s success is the size of their will. How can you help grow your child’s today?

8. Discipline. Children need to learn everything from the ground-up including appropriate behaviors, how to get along with others, how to get results, and how to achieve their dreams. Discipline should not be avoided or withheld. Instead, it should be consistent and positive.

9. Encouragement. Words are powerful. They can create or they can destroy. The simple words that you choose to speak today can offer encouragement and positive thoughts to another child. Or your words can send them further into despair. So choose them carefully.

10. Faithfulness to your Spouse. Faithfulness in marriage includes more than just our bodies. It also includes our eyes, mind, heart, and soul. Guard your sexuality daily and devote it entirely to your spouse. Your children will absolutely take notice.

11. Finding Beauty. Help your children find beauty in everything they see… and in everyone they meet.

12. Generosity. Teach your children to be generous with your stuff so that they will become generous with theirs.

13. Honesty/Integrity. Children who learn the value and importance of honesty at a young age have a far greater opportunity to become honest adults. And honest adults who deal truthfully with others tend to feel better about themselves, enjoy their lives more, and sleep better at night.

14. Hope. Hope is knowing and believing that things will get better and improve. It creates strength, endurance, and resolve. And in the desperately difficult times of life, it calls us to press onward.

15. Hugs and Kisses. I once heard the story of a man who told his 7-year old son that he had grown too old for kisses. I tear up every time I think of it. Know that your children are never too old to receive physical affirmation of your love for them.

16. Imagination. If we’ve learned anything over the past 20 years, it’s that life is changing faster and faster with every passing day. The world tomorrow looks nothing like the world today. And the people with imagination are the ones not just living it, they are creating it.

17. Intentionality. I believe strongly in intentional living and intentional parenting. Slow down, consider who you are, where you are going, and how to get there. And do the same for each of your children.

18. Your Lap. It’s the best place in the entire world for a book, story, or conversation. And it’s been right in front of you the whole time.

19. Lifelong Learning. A passion for learning is different from just studying to earn a grade or please teachers. It begins in the home. So read, ask questions, analyze, and expose. In other words, learn to love learning yourself.

20. Love. …but the greatest of these is love.

21. Meals Together. Meals provide unparalleled opportunity for relationship, the likes of which can not be found anywhere else. So much so, that a family that does not eat together does not grow together.

22. Nature. Children who learn to appreciate the world around them take care of the world around them. As a parent, I am frequently asking my kids to keep their rooms inside the house neat, clean, and orderly. Shouldn’t we also be teaching them to keep their world outside neat, clean, and orderly?

23. Opportunity. Kids need opportunities to experience new things so they can find out what they enjoy and what they are good at. And contrary to popular belief, this doesn’t have to require much money.

24. Optimism. Pessimists don’t change the world. Optimists do.

25. Peace. On a worldwide scale, you may think this is out of our hands. But in relation to the people around you, this is completely within your hands… and that’s a darn good place to start.

26. Pride. Celebrate the little things in life. After all, it is the little accomplishments in life that become the big accomplishments.

27. Room to Make mistakes. Kids are kids. That’s what makes them so much fun… and so desperately in need of your patience. Give them room to experiment, explore, and make mistakes.

28. Self-Esteem. People who learn to value themselves are more likely to have self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-worth. As a result, they are more likely to become adults who respect their values and stick to them… even when no one else is.

29. Sense of Humor. Laugh with your children everyday… for your sake and theirs.

30. Spirituality. Faith elevates our view of the universe, our world, and our lives. We would be wise to instill into our kids that they are more than just flesh and blood taking up space. They are also made of mind, heart, soul, and will. And decisions in their life should be based on more than just what everyone else with flesh and blood is doing.

31. Stability. A stable home becomes the foundation on which children build the rest of their lives. They need to know their place in the family, who they can trust, and who is going to be there for them. Don’t keep changing those things.

32. Time. The gift of time is the one gift you can never get back or take back. So think carefully about who (or what) is getting yours.

33. Undivided Attention. Maybe this imagery will be helpful: Disconnect to Connect.

34. Uniqueness. What makes us different is what makes us special. Uniqueness should not be hidden. It should be proudly displayed for all the world to see, appreciate, and enjoy.

35. A Welcoming Home. To know that you can always come home is among the sweetest and most life-giving assurances in all the world. Is your home breathing life into your child?

Of course, none of these gifts are on sale at your local department store. But, I think that’s the point."

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Thoughts on Recent Events..

Lately I have been so frustrated and disappointed with folks concerning the Eric Garner and Michael Brown death commentary here with folks in my own FB list and social media abroad. But yet, I am grateful because it has shown me what you are...and now I know what to do....

There is so much insensitivity to these families and the black race overall. Someone still lost their one deserves to die because of what they were perceived as.. (thug, etc). I could give adequate rationale for why Treyvon, Michael, and Eric should be alive....but let me say this....we have mass murderers who live to be arrested. And don't get me started on looting....I've seen looting and riots incited for a raggedy sports game outcome. Not condoning it or sanctioning it because there's a better way but don't act like they're just bored. I honestly think that many folks are looting have NO interest in the cause at hand.

My heart weeps for the families of these young men, us (blacks), and for us the human race.

What's sad is that folks are missing the whole point. This is about blacks, but it is much bigger than us. What is tolerated and judged as a black problem today, tomorrow is a different day. Count on it. Ebola should have been a clue for you.

There are good and bad in each race; and each have representation on the police force. We shouldn't have to fear the police, but yet here we are...

For those who say that we have to pray....that's true. But we don't pray and stick our heads in the sand.. And yes, we pray for and forgive for our enemies too. God is a God of action. Strategy should follow prayer. If your inaction is due to the fact that you're waiting on the next Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, then you'll be waiting awhile. This movement will require many leaders to stand up and lead the charge.

Some people of color are leading in our everyday lives. Standing in integrity and character. Withstanding the invisible enemy, and blazing a trail of hope for those willing to move forward to the next level.

Just my thoughts...


Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Stay Focused!

To Whom Have An Ear To Hear:

God has been showing me various strategies of the enemy to entice the body of Christ to forfeit their promise...Be wary of distractions and attacks during this hour. It is important to stay focused on God (Matt 6:33) and do NOT give in! In order to run this race, it is important to cast aside every weight as well as the sin that entangles (Hebrews 12:1). Remember that God will not have us ignorant of the traps/plans/devices of the enemy (2 Corinthians 2:11). As we are tune with Him, He will continually guide you away from the snares of the enemy. Seek Him. Obey Him. Submit to Him. Worship Him. Thank Him. Trust Him. Rest in Him.

Remember that it was Peter's faith that allowed him to walk on the water. It was the DISTRACTION of the WAVES that caused him to fall into the water. Let your FAITH override the cunning ways of the enemy that may seem to be roaring loud.

Whatever God showed you, He is going to keep His word. Do not let the enemy whisper doubt into your ear.

Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You for continuously blessing Your people. Declaring the provision and protection of Psalms 91 over our lives. Declaring that the enemy's voice is easily detected as the whimsical myth that it is and that the Holy Spirit's communication strategy/voice is crystal clear. In Jesus name, Amen.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

It Is Coming Because He Promised!

When a woman is in the last stage of pregnancy, it is the most miserable time because everything is swollen and there's no way to get comfortable. The body is saying, I can't take it anymore!

And so it is with some of us spiritually. Many of us have experienced deep encounters of financial loss, family issues, hostile work environments, subtle or not so subtle attempts to hold you down..just to name a a nutshell, it feels like hell has been unleashed against you....."But God, I have been faithful. I have been obedient.  I've been tested....I'm tired, God!....maybe I missed You, perhaps I was wrong!" Do not fall for this!!!!! This is your condition speaking! Just like childbirth, once the vision/promise is birthed, the beauty of the vision overrides the previous pain.

I've come to tell you today that God has not forgotten His faithful and obedient ones. Those who stand in the midst of insurmountable pressure. Every promise, vision, and provision will come to pass, says the Lord. Do not fret, give in, or think that He has changed His mind.

My prayer: Dear heavenly Father,
You are a promise keeper. I believe that Your promises are yea and amen. Strengthen your children tonight with a tangible manifestation of power, love, and a sound mind. We take authority over the accuser of the brethren and declare that his tactics fall to the ground with no affect in Jesus name. Expose his tactics and the strategy to overcome his weak attempt to cancel destinies in Jesus name.  We ask for the release of a "leap" confirmation to Your children for their comfort in Jesus name. I decree a stirring of gifts tonight in Jesus name. Send refreshed ideas and strategies, God. Send music, books, and business ideas with capital in Jesus name. We trust in Your word and know that You will perfect every concern. In Jesus name I humbly thank You for hearing and moving on our behalf. Amen.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Truths Can Coexist

Yesterday, my cousin posted about Ferguson and said something in her post that is undeniably true. She said...."truths can coexist."
Here are some ground zero truths that I believe need to be addressed in this nation:
1. Racism still exists.
2. Just because folks are in outrage about cops killing a young man, doesn't mean that no one is concerned about black on black crime. Both are equally terrible.
3. If you're asking "what about black on black crime" or vice versa every time a contrary event happens, you're contributing to the detriment what can be the beginning of a  unified front to heal the community.
4. There are some awesome, dedicated, and integrity filled cops.
5. There are some racist, evil, lowdown cops too.
6. Looting does NOT solve anything and only breaks down the community. It is misdirected anger at a time when peace is needed.
7. Everyone is not looting and those that are may not be looting for any cause other than their own. Those people are called opportunists.
8. There is no such thing as a "hashtag bandwagon" when it comes to a life. While I agree that action needs to be taken, we've got to start with the man in the mirror.
9. This is deeper than racism, this is about class, control, and greed.
10. We need to remember that what unites us is deeper and more powerful than what divides us.
Lastly, we are always called to pray. It is during this time that we should pray without ceasing. ♡

My prayers go out to the family of #dearmikesmom.



Friday, August 15, 2014


I have been mostly silent this week because of a host of things, but events of this week have not gone unnoticed.

As a human being, I am severely saddened that this keeps happening. When the Trayvon Martin case was going on, someone commented on my post and said, "why is this one so important?" How incredibly insensitive of this person. I am a positive person. I love all cultures...I am a black woman with a heart for all of God's people. Yet, I stand before you today and tell you that as a rational person, there is no way that these are "coincidences" or that "he or she must have been doing something wrong." Nothing is going to be solved until we all get real and recognize that having a black president doesn't mean that we have arrived and overcame racism. I am here to tell you that racism is alive and well. Everywhere. We're not making it up. My husband experiences it. I experience it. My children experience it. It is an indisputable fact and no one can tell us differently. I could post daily on some negative, racist issue that occurs, but I choose to not let evil win.

As the wife and mother of black men, I understand the pain that our culture is experiencing. It could have easily been my husband or my sons. I try to continually tell my son that although we (his family and friends) see him as the wonderful human being that he is, there are many in the world that do not. My husband has been stopped countless times...I remember one time he was running with a hoodie on and the police stopped to ask him why he was running in "this" neighborhood. He had no ID on him....He told the policeman that he owned a home not too far away and they let him is only by the grace of God that it didn't end badly. My heart aches for the families of these children. Black people's lives do matter.

As a leader in the body of Christ, I implore that believers remember that we are yet called to be peacemakers and understand that the battle is not ours. God is not to blame for the evil in the world, but He will make all things work for our good. Ephesians 6:12 tells us that: "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Does that mean that we all sit and do nothing? Nope. It means that act according to the strategy that He has given us and trust that He is with us. It means actions that would honor Him. It means action that demand justice and unrelenting courage in the face of fear. I do not have the answers, but we are to connect to the one that does. We are to be prisoners of hope, yet realistic that we have a ways to go. I need and charge to the body of Christ to leave their comfortable pews, off their computers arguing over scripture, and get in the street to serve like they are supposed to be. Be the light. For real or go on somewhere and sit down.

Be blessed in and on purpose.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Lady in Waiting....The Testimony of Faithfulness

This is a testimonial from a single woman who is standing on God's promises and waiting for Him to what He said. Her testimony touched my heart and as I pray for all singles, I wanted to share this with you. She is living a life of no compromise. I am proud of her and the example that she provides to others. She is an example of many that knows God will honor their faithfulness to Him.

Please leave feel free to leave a note of encouragement, prayer, or kindness....or just be encouraged yourself. 

"As I prayed and pondered God's plan for my life regarding a life partner.....There are so many men that I have met and dated who ultimately want a woman to give them sex. These are men who have not taken the time to get to know you. Invested any real amount if time in knowing who you are as it relates to you the total person. I have personally decided to keep my answer "NO" for casual relationship sex.

The Lord spoke to me about this issue and He calls me daughter when He speaks to me about this concern. He said that He set me up with my own house so that I can afford to be on my own. A car and income to be able to provide for myself. (Yes I still struggle). This is to dispel the emotions associated with temptation so that compromise is minimized.

God is my provider my husband and my friend. I am always busy out and about and meeting people. I must have faith that God still has a mate for me. The one who is kind honest and who walks in character that resembles God."


Lady in waiting.
Single at 50s

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Truthful Tuesday, 8 July Pt. II

Truthful Tuesday: We all have "issues" and "stuff." If God disqualified or even viewed folks like man does under the guise of "discernment" (which is really undercover control to keep folks down), there'd be slim pickings. God says that He continues the good work in us and will carry it on to completion until the day Jesus comes (Philippians 1:6).

David was a unfaithful and an adulterer, but God said David was a man after HIS heart. Paul was a murderer and wrote a great portion of the NT.

Don't get it twisted- we don't use these as a license to keep sinning sin or to continually operate in known sin. Nor does this excuse us from proper accountability and fellowship. We use their examples and motivation to move FORWARD in our lives.

Thank God for His grace!

Truthful Tuesday, 8 July Version

Truthful Tuesday: Be mindful of distractions even in causes that may seem right. I was about to take a course of action this week....and I heard the Lord say, "Is that why I sent you there?" Instantly, I got up and halted the action. While it seemed right to me, God was showing me that it was wrong and off track for His purpose in my life.

Scripture tells us that...."Before every person lies a road that seems to be right, but at the end of that road death and destruction wait." - Proverbs 16:25

Let God order your steps and allow Him to make your path straight and on target. Be blessed in and on purpose!

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Keep Your Dream... (Marriage)

A few days ago, a young lady shared that a woman who had been married for 30 years told her to NEVER get married and just have a boyfriend because marriage has too many problems. So never make a commitment? Hmm..not!

People.....never let anyone kill your dream. If God said it.....Keep believing. He is a promise keeper! While I can understand the woes of a 30 year marriage, folks need to put God first and stop settling for mediocrity.

My response to her:

Been with my husband for 20 years and we've been married 17 years. If a type of hell could go wrong in marriage, it has in ours. We made commitment to not just survive...but to thrive. Commitment is not for the weak.

....Keep your dream. Marriage is beautiful. With God at the helm, we are overcomers and triumphant over ALL.

Marriage is what you make it.. Not all roses, but not all thorns either. Love is an action word!

If you are waiting for a mate and your God ordained time has not arrived, keep standing! God is a redeemer of time and He is the God of the impossible. He will keep His word. Do not let the enemy steal your promise and entice you to give up!

Standing in agreement with you for God's promises. Love you all!  ♡♡♡

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Accurate Discernment

Good Morning:

.......Accurate discernment is the ability to see the light and the dark....the good and the evil. Accurate discernment should drive you to compassion to pray & bless your enemies, and to seek God's strategy on what to do with the info you have.

It will not send you out calling folks demons on social media. It will not cause you to discern someone else until you can LOOK IN THE MIRROR and truly see yourself. Often what you see in them is a REFLECTION.

Discernment is a tool of love for people and should drive you to humility and compassion.  It is a weapon of mass destruction only in the spiritual realm. God did not intend for us to use it to tear each other down. That's the enemy's job. Don't help him.


Saturday, April 5, 2014

~No Agenda Can Stop God's Purposes and Promises From Coming To Pass! ~

Watching this movie called Enders Game. Throughout the movie, many try to hold Ender back based on their own agenda. However, the call on his life pulled him higher regardless of man's tactics and schemes.

......And such is life. Do not think for one second that your destiny is tied to man's agenda. God is in control. Your circumstances are merely the route; your path and journey has been set by the Commander In Chief Himself, God Almighty!

Romans 8:28 tells us that: "We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him. He appointed them to be saved in keeping with His purpose."

Trust and believe!

~ No Agenda Can Hold God's Purposes and Promises from Coming to Pass!~

Monday, March 10, 2014

Lay It All Down!

To those who have an ear to hear:

As I was praying for various areas, the Lord spoke this to my heart:

"Daughter, tell my people that every desire and every petition has to be surrendered to me and crucified for purification."

In other words, everything and everyone. He is correcting and aligning our vision to be in sync with His vision.

You cannot want something more than the relationship with Him....even if it's to represent Him. No matter what it is...and no matter how many times you have surrendered it or thought you had, this is a great time to ask Him to create in you a clean heart.

The bible tells us that God is a jealous God and that He will have no other gods before Him. Sometimes our heart desires become more important than God Himself, thus becoming an idol.

~Seek His heart (Relationship, Identity) and not His hand (what He can do for you). ~

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Discerning False Apostles by Bryon Wiebold and David Newby

This is an awesome article on the direction of the Body of Christ and discerning false apostles.

Posted on February 27, 2014 by brywieb

In the mid-1990s, there was a movement within Christendom that emphasized the restoration of apostles and prophets. Having just exited the “mega-church” scene, I was recruited into what, at that time, was one of the largest “apostolic networks” in existence. I got involved because of the relational aspect that was presented to me and the fact that God had been speaking to me regarding the necessity of apostolic and prophetic function in the Church.

By the end of my swim through apostolic networking, I had been given high-level access into 3 of the most apparently successful organizations of that kind; one here in the U.S. and two based in foreign lands. Please understand, I am not bragging by any means! My experiences were, shall we say, not pleasant but, in the larger framework of my life and calling, the experiences have proven to be invaluable as I have continued to pursue entrance into the Kingdom and equipping believers to do the same.

A real long story short, the “apostolic networking” was the same non-biblical hierarchy from the previous system of the mega-church scene; it was just laced with different terminology. While “equipping the saints to do the work of the ministry” through apostolic and prophetic function was heralded, I experienced very little of it taking place. Though the rhetoric was distinct, the practices and conduct of the people was primarily the same and even escalated, especially when it came to elevating certain anointed “apostles and prophets” while subverting the common believer.   

Now, I know some who are reading this post might be saying, “Not all networks are like that!”  I am not here to debate that point or cause you to be defensive about what you might currently be involved in.  I am simply sharing my experience with you and will, hopefully, by the end of the post, have assisted anyone interested in discerning true apostolic function.

If believers do not come to realize the significance of understanding the equality of every member of the Body of Christ and learning to function in accurate local church government, the Head of the Church will be resisted in building His Church. The Body of Christ MUST get beyond the fascination of Christian Celebrity, whether they bill themselves as Lead Pastor, Worship Pastor, Founder/President, Apostle, Prophet, Bishop, or…..a litany of other titles used to amplify their standing. While there is definite, accurate Ascension Gifts active in the Church today and inherent value in each of them, the fullness of Christ is to be found in the building up, activation and function of the entire Body of Christ.

Fortunately, after being out of “apostolic networks” for a bit, Father was gracious enough to begin to cause my path to cross with genuine apostles and prophets. These men are, without question, unlike any other men that I have known or the privilege to walk with in the Kingdom. Though they vary in maturity, calling and function, one thing is consistent in each of them. They love Jesus Christ, completely honor Him as the Head of the Church and their Christ-like function has deeply enriched, not only my lives but also the Kingdom communities with whom we relate.

One such brother, Dr. David Newby from Australia, has done a superlative job in providing believers an excellent litmus test for apostolic authenticity.  The following excerpt is from his latest book, Liberating Apostles.


False Apostles

2 Corinthians 11:13  ”……..for such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ.”(NASB)

Like Paul, I would like to warn the Church about apostolic pretenders.

Revelation 2:2  ”……and you put to the test those who call themselves apostles, and they are not, and you found them to be false….”

1 Corinthians 4:1, 6-7, “Let a man regard us in this manner, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God………….. Now these things I have figuratively applied to myself and Apollos for your sakes, so that in us you may learn not to exceed what is written, so that no one of you may become arrogant in behalf of one against the other. For who regards you as superior? What do you have that you did not receive? And if you did receive it, why do you boast as if you had not received it? (NASB)

The Message says, “Isn’t everything you have and everything you are sheer gifts from God? So what’s the point of all this comparing and competing?”

The NIV says it this way “….I have applied these things to myself and Apollos for your benefit, so that you may learn from us the meaning of the saying, “Do not go beyond what is written, ‘Then you will not take pride in one man over against another.”

In the context used by Paul, “what is written” could be the Scriptures which endorse the equality of man and that there is to be no supremacy of one above another. It confirms that it is not men that should be followed, but God.

The Amplified Bible puts it this way, “Now I have applied all this [about parties and factions] to myself and Apollos for your sakes, brethren, so that from what I have said of us [as illustrations], you may learn [to think of men in accordance with Scripture and] not to go beyond that which is written, that none of you may be puffed up and inflated with pride and boast in favor of one [minister and teacher] against another.” (1 Corinthians 4:6)

To reiterate Matthew Henry’s Commentary definition – the apostle is not to be overvalued,for they were ministers not masters.

If apostles do not come to you in a spirit of meekness, if they do not submit their ministry to you, if they do not receive as well as give, if they are not open to learn, then they may not be who they claim to be.  Do not submit yourself to ministries like this.

There are those in ministry who are quietly (or sometimes overtly) arrogant about their position, who demand the best seats in the sanctuary, the best accommodations, the VIP lounge, etc.  For the safety of the Church, we are compelled to do some fruit inspection and guard against contamination by the spirit of personal kingdom-builders from the old wineskin or the enemy camp.

The church in the second half of the first century was keenly aware of the need to test traveling ministries. The local church had elders and deacons, but these allowed in apostles, prophets and teachers who were itinerant and not yet localized in any particular church. They were seen as representatives of the Church at large. But when they visited a community of Christians, they were first of all tested by the standard of right teaching and moral character.*

The true apostle is to be distinguished by the absence of any selfish motive, any inclination to fasten himself upon a particular church or congregation, or to ask for money or seek financial security.**

These core principles of apostolic ministry would exclude from true apostleship all those who promote apostolic networks, enlisting churches and recruiting spiritual sons, all of whom pay tithes upstream for the financial security of the “apostolic ministry”.

The Super Apostles of the Corinthian Church

Paul faced a major problem in the group of men at Corinth who set themselves up as apostles, opposing Paul and drawing people to themselves. “For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ.” (2 Corinthians 11;13)

By examining the negative issues raised by Paul about these men, we can more easily find the positive traits of the true apostles.

“For you tolerate it if anyone enslaves you, anyone devours you, anyone takes advantage of you, anyone exalts himself, anyone hits you in the face…….” (2 Corinthians 11:20)

a.)  enslaves you:  this is the drawing of people to a ministry who then uses them to fulfill his vision or empire expansion. Scriptures are manipulated to extract submission and blind, unquestioning obedience.  Expectations and performance standards are promoted, people are bullied into service and program attendance.

b.)  devours you:  this is a reference to financial matters. Legalistic giving and compelling people to give beyond their means is a common feature of many churches today. False claims are made and false promises are given as sweeteners to the faithful givers.  Tithing on debt and credit card giving are promoted. Many have ended up in debt or insolvency because of the church’s claims on their finances. Jesus accused the religious leaders of doing the same thing in His day: “who devour widows’ houses” (Mk 12:40)

c.)  takes advantage of you:  instead of encouraging believers to hear the Lord and obey Him, and to fulfill His call and ministry in their own lives, these false apostles just harnessed the time and energy of all around them.  They especially exploit the young and willing, causing many to burn out because they are operating outside their own gifts and callings.

d.)  exalts himself:  there are those in leadership whose identity and self-worth are in their ministry.  To have people depend on them, to look up to them and honor them makes them feel good. To maintain the balance of power in their own hands, they use people who flatter and elevate them, and ignore those who question or challenge them. “I wrote something to the church, but Diotrephes, who loves to have the preeminence among them, does not accept what we say.” (2 John 9)

e. hits you in the face:  staggering through it is, physical abuse still exists in the church by those who use intimidation to get loyalty and performance. Though this is comparatively rare, intimidation in many other forms is not. All manipulation and control are outside of the limits of the influence of true servants of God.

Paul had referred to these self-made apostles in his first letter to Corinth. These men were being competitive, and people were polarizing themselves with one apostle or another, claiming special relationship or adherence to them.

In response, Paul states that both he and Apollos were only servants – diakonos, and each of them just had different parts to play in the life and growth of the believers. (1 Corinthians 3:3-9)

In looking at the carnal manifestations of the false apostles, and the many statements of Paul around this issue at Corinth, we can see that Paul valued:

freedomthe leading of the Holy Spiritfocus on the Kingdom of Godhumility and servanthood without self-promotiongentleness and meeknessequality of believersfreedom from the love of money and financial gain through the gospel

We must use these principle as a litmus test when weighing the words and fruit of those who claim to be apostles.


Thursday, February 27, 2014

Proper "Human" Vision

Psalms 146:3 states.."Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help." Often I have heard people use this scripture when something has occurred that did not go the way they had hoped....This is often stemming from a disappointment. However, let me point out that the disappointment comes from an unmet expectation. More often than most are willing to admit, they are unfair to that person and puts them in a place of idolatry. There is no human on earth designed to meet every need of another. 

Instead of putting a human down for not meeting a need that you expected them to meet, take it to the Father from whom your help cometh. When applicable, He uses people of His choosing and not your own. God uses these experiences to show you that He is your source and to also help you to not operate in idolatry.

I have been on both sides of this coin and neither side feels good. In disappointment, learn how to seek God first and foremost and to see them as God sees them. In failing to meet a need, a person learns humility and increases in their strength against people opinions.

Manage your expectations for other human beings and watch yourself obtain a freedom that cannot be compared. Manage your expectations and watch your vision of the roles of other people in your life become healthier. Be blessed on purpose!!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Plot of Valentine's Day

Good Morning!

I have a few things to say about Valentine's Day:

God is love and Cupid doesn't belong to Him. Cupid is to tomorrow what Santa Claus and the Easter bunny is to Christmas and Easter.

Commercialism says you have to set aside a day to "prove" or "show" your's a ploy to trap you into spending.

Love is so much more than one day.....this actually disrespects real love, real love takes work and faithfulness.

Another issue with this day is that it flies in the face of people who aren't married or in a relationship. It says, "You're less than," when nothing is further from the truth. Walking as an individual is NOT a punishment...Good grief. Is that even godly? (Rhetorical)

This is not an admonition for you to stop doing what you are going to do because all of you are grown. Take some time and research...It is just food for thought and an opportunity for you all to see the commercialism for what it is.......

Note: Back when we acknowledged the holiday and before we married, I asked Terrey to not buy me flowers or any gifts that day.....I asked him to do those things when it came upon his heart to do so........and what do you know! My reward for that decision- I get better surprises ALL YEAR LONG!

Have a great day. Love y'all to life for life!!!!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Proper Expectations

Truthful Tuesday: Leaders don't let folk guilt you with their invalid expectations of you. This is how you replace Jesus and become an idol in people's lives.

If you know me, youve heard me say: My name is LaQuetta and NOT Jesus.

"If folks were as bold seeking God as they are/were in their sin, we'd see more deliverance and power in the body of Christ!" -Terance D. Glaze

"First of all....when you encounter an issue, one should pray first...I believe that when you can't reach someone...then God wants your attention." -John Lowery

~Seeking Jesus is first! He is the standard
~Jesus is the only one who died for you
~Leaders set boundaries and point people to Jesus
~Honor and respect, but do not idolize leaders

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Fall Out of Agreement!

This week I received a message (addressed to me and others)....the author of the message stated that..."we all agree on X." Now, this was no problem if we had all actually agreed. Immediately, I sent a note letting them know that I did NOT agree.

I heard the Holy Spirit say this is how it is in the Kingdom. ..people are falling in agreement with things that are contrary to God's words and principles. We need to fall out of agreement with anything that is unbiblical.

This is especially true in music....most people allow the beat of the music to lull them into agreement oh so quietly and quickly with very little fight.

Be mindful about what you speak over your life whether in music, in thought, in deed, or agreement with others. Fall OUT of agreement with anything contrary to what God says about you.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Grammy Award Show

You know, I told a couple of friends that I was going to blog about the Grammys, but I have accessed that it can be summarized in a few sentences:

The world is doing what the world wants to do. The question is whether believers are doing what they are supposed to do? Does your money, your time, and thoughts line up with the fact that you say with your mouth that you are a believer?

Lastly, and this is my personal belief, not to be held against anyone but me- the reason why none of the "mega preachers" haven't said anything is because those people bread their butter.

Monique Lopp stated earlier this week, the light is getting lighter and the dark is getting darker. Believe it and choose wisely.

Be breezy!!

Agree with Thine Adversary Quickly!

Truthful Tuesday (1): This phrase has been ringing in my spirit. ..."Agree with thine adversary quickly!"

A few weeks ago, I received some prophetic warnings (plural) that someone was intending on "using" it against me if you will. My answer, if I did, I will admit it. You know why? Integrity is a must for me and more importantly, it defuses the impact of the attack. My past mistakes and failures does NOT take away from me being called and chosen, nor does it condemn me to hell. God knows ALL about me and my heart...

Folks locked up because they are ashamed of the impact of the truth, when really it should be used as an opportunity and display of God's mercy and grace. Jesus told Judas to come on and do it quickly! And that is who I ultimately answer to.....

So today, tell the accuser of the brethren (aka the devil, his imps, or satan), that yes, it was you....and that you have repented and are now operating under His grace and mercy! ♡♥♡

Receive and walk out your deliverance and peace TODAY with quick agreement!  Glory!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Prophetic Word....Wendy M. Christie, posted 10 Jan 2014

Amen and Amen!!!

God is getting the DOUBT OUT of His people in this time and know this - you will be tested so you can SEE if there is any left in you...

Also, when those with the fruit of the devil come against you and start noticing you - well, you have struck a nerve - stay in LOVE and in the ORDER of God and PEACE will follow you... Read this post below and be encouraged - The SAFE place to be is IN Christ alone...

Wendy M Christie 12-26-13

I am sensing that many of you need this Encouragement today...

You know you are upsetting the enemies kingdom when enemies with the fruit of unrighteousness start popping up all around and showing their faces and becoming the 'accuser if the brethren'. 

God is allowing this so you can see who they are - There is nothing that is hidden that will not be brought to light. Also, God wants you to SEE that He is setting a place at the table so your enemies may see you get blessed - this is also so you can see them - see you get blessed - you will not have to wonder... 

Remember, wolves run in packs and have a form of 'godliness' and a form of unity, but it is unity in the flesh, not unity in the Spirit and they 'look' like they are led by the Spirit but they are not - they will not wait on God but rather go ahead of Him - basically they 'go' and 'do' when they were not sent and they are also out of His timing. This makes it a 'work of the flesh' and not a 'Work of God.'

God is revealing the hearts of all right now in this time. Do not be surprized when you start stepping out and into what God created you to do and be in Him and all hell breaks loose - this just serves as confirmation that you are headed in the right direction. 

Even those who called themselves friends will turn on you when you decide to be Authentic In Christ and obey God instead of petting their flesh. 

Do not worry and keep your eyes on Christ. Do not take false responsibility for others actions and decisions. We are going to see many, many people fall who 'seemed' to be God's. Take your hope out of other people and things and put it IN CHRIST alone! Only IN CHRIST will our True Salvation and Protection be found. 

Keep pressing and know this... The enemy tries to discourage you the most and fights the hardest just before you are about to BREAKTHROUGH....... 

Get ready and Rejoice for your Breakthrough is right in front of you! GLORY TO GOD ALONE!

Prophetic Word for 2014 by Doug Addison   

This is another word that resonates deeply within me.....Glory!

Prophetic Word for 2014

Doug Addison

January 7, 2014

God is opening a gateway into the heavenly realm in 2014 for deeper revelation and greater power. This is the start of a new season and the drought we have been experiencing in the Kingdom over the last few years is now over. Expect an . This will open the opportunity for you to step up to a new level and see results for your efforts.

“After this I looked, and there before me was a door standing open in heaven. And the voice I had first heard speaking to me like a trumpet said, ‘Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after this.’” Revelation 4:1


We will see the start of a new move of God that will come in phases over the next few years. This year God is breaking a spiritual drought we have been in since 2008. I had a dream where an angel came and told me the humidity level right now is at eight, which is the number of new beginnings.

“For I will pour water on the thirsty land, and streams on the dry ground; I will pour out my Spirit on your offspring, and my blessing on your descendants.” Isaiah 44:3

The  of this new movement of God will involve a time of . You will experience  of His presence and gifts in your life. Many people have been suffering from hope deferred for so long that they need to soften up and be recharged.

The  of this movement will be a new rain of the Holy Spirit that will come upon those that are seeking all that God has for them. This movement will look very strange, as  will begin to be . In the midst of this, a new generation will begin to awaken to God’s love, power and acceptance.

The  will bring God’s power like we have not experienced before. This will be a new level of. This is a start of a new healing movement with miracles, signs, wonders, and deeper revelation.


God showed me that many prophetic words from the year 2009 that were intended to be fulfilled in 2010 were actually delayed until now. I went back, checked my journal and sure enough I found many prophetic words in 2009 that never came about that are happening right now. I also got a confirming email from a friend whose prophetic word that I gave in 2009 is now beginning to happen. Go to your journal and look for prophecies or dreams from 2009. Get ready for them to unfold now at a greater level.


The spirit of accusation has been dominating the Church for the past few years making an unhealthy environment. When we accuse others without trying to find solutions, we must be careful that we are not coming into agreement with darkness over a person instead of God's purposes. One of the names given to Satan is the accuser of believers (Revelation 12:10). We need to be very careful to not accuse others but build them up instead.  . There are many Bible verses that talk about blessing people instead of cursing them (Romans 12:14).

“All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation.” 2 Corinthians 5:18


This year everyone will receive a on his or her birthday. This might be a greater measure of the gifts you already have, new gifts of healing, prophecy, serving, etc. So get ready to receive birthday presents with a greater level of God's presence. You can expect a present of God’s presence.


In the same spirit of giving, this year God is freeing up gifts and callings that have been given to people who have stopped using them or from people who have gone to Heaven. Many of these spiritual gifts and callings will be given to those who have been humble, seeking God and have not built themselves up or have operated in pride. God is lifting up those who have been humble. Some of them are the least expected. Those who receive these gifts and callings will have a sudden acceleration in their life, ministry or businesses. But people who have been building their lives, ministries and using others for their own gain will experience decline. God's love is still with them but they will no longer have the edge they once had.


2014 will be a year that the Jezebel spirit will be exposed throughout the church, government, and businesses. People who have been operating with this divisive and dividing spirit will be revealed. God will be revealing a new strategy to remove the grips and tentacles of the Jezebel spirit which has resisted and hindered previous moves of God over and over.

God has an agenda this year to bring healing and reconciliation to people who have been wounded or rejected by Christians. There is such a large number of people who have been wounded by Christianity. This should not be. God's love is for everyone and we must show it to those who need it the most. Quite often these are the ones who might be offended by this or have different viewpoints. God is drawing in the spiritual outcasts right now and dragging a net along the bottom that will pull up people from all walks of life.

In order to be part of God's agenda we must love unconditionally and be willing to walk with people who have been rejected and wounded. Love and lots of grace is required to be part of this new move coming to the spiritually outcasts. Yes, God is on the move among the tattooed and pierced, those who are into zombies and vampires, gay and lesbians, new age people, and those of various political parties that are currently not accepted by many Christians. God is moving powerfully among women and promoting many into positions of new authority.

Five years ago the US and much of the world experienced a great financial downturn. One of the largest bankruptcies in U.S. history occurred in September of 2008. We will now see a . God is opening up opportunities right now for people to be repaid for any losses during that time. Also, there are kingdom financial strategies being released from Heaven that will radically turn your financial situation around if you listen and act.

It is important to not pay attention to negative reports or get caught up in believing we are all going down. This is a time to take action and it is very similar to what Isaac experienced in Genesis chapter 26. During a great famine on Earth, Isaac listened to God and took a different direction than what most people were doing at the time. In verse 12 it says that he reaped 100 times during the famine.

 “Isaac planted crops in that land and the same year reaped a hundredfold, because the Lord blessed him.”

2014 is a  upon us. God is promoting people who have loved, shown mercy and not cut down others or driven them deeper into darkness. This is an exciting time to be alive because if you have suffered, experienced losses or repeated attacks of the enemy, God is repaying you right now. All you have to do is ask and respond. Walk through the new golden gates being opened!

Here’s to a year of breakthrough and turnaround. May God richly bless you with every gift you need to succeed this year.


Doug Addison



(1) A Christian educator and apostolic leader with international influence, (2) a member of the executive staff of a megachurch, (3) a worldwide leader of house church movements, (4) an apostolic conference speaker and author, (5) the senior pastor of a charismatic congregation, and (6) an apostle who is birthing, developing and encouraging kingdom communities on local, regional and national levels, have all enthusiastically endorsed “Apostolicity – The High Way to Dominion” which will be available late in January.

Fifty topical chapters, nearly 400 pages, the book’s objective is to engender faith and provide a biblical basis for those from a great variety of backgrounds and persuasions to come together under the headship of Christ, and serve in unison the purpose of God—to fill the earth with His glorious kingdom through many sons.

If in my lifetime I might be instrumental in forging a vision, imparting conviction, and transforming attitudes, I will have succeeding in fulfilling my purpose.  Fifty years of walking with Jesus has brought me to this place.  I cannot improve upon Paul’s inspired words: 

I implore you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing tolerance for one another in love, being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

I have no right to speak anything to a brother unless or until I can do so in love, with all humility and gentleness, with patience.  God knows that over the years I have desperately needed brothers who would tolerate me—speaking the truth to me in love with all candor and grace.  Seldom have I found those who would do so.  And, I have failed to do so with others.

My prayer is that we will be secure enough in the finished work of Jesus to face our unfinished parts with integrity when others question or challenge us.  And, when we question or challenge others, may Father’s love and grace find their way into our communication through our humility and gentleness.

May we no longer build walls and begin to build bridges.  Those who are securely founded on the reality of Christ within will find grace for one another.  I remember these words:  “No one cares how much we know until they know how much we care.”

Speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him who is the head, even Christ.

Prophetic Word from Chuck Pierce: A Hardened Vessel for Bringing Forth New Wine and 21-Day Prayer Focus

This prophetic word really ministered to me, so I thought that I would share it here:

A Hardened Vessel for Bringing Forth New Wine and 21-Day Prayer Focus
Chuck D. PierceDear Friends and Intercessors:
I started the year reading Isaiah, in the Word of God, in four different translations of the Bible: The Amplified, New King James, The Message, and a new version, The Voice. I also went to one of the Hebrew translations and read the passage directly. Isaiah 41:10 is key to our future. In the Amplified, it states:
"Fear not [there is nothing to fear], for I am with you; do not look around you in terror and be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen and harden you to difficulties, yes, I will help you; yes, I will hold you up and retain you with My [victorious] right hand of rightness and justice." Let Him do a new work in your spirit to harden you to circumstances around you. This will allow your vessel to be prepared for the pouring of new wine (revelation for your future).
There is a prophetic word that keeps speaking that says: "Pull aside, enter your garden, and experience new wine." There are many contentions and much warfare ahead in the areas of creativity and wealth. God tells us that we can create wealth. I feel like we need to pray not only for transference of wealth but also for the creative power to create wealth. Therefore, I believe if we focus on breaking into "the new" then we will see much new break forth. It's time to press into the new.
Jesus Declared the NEW!
In the New Testament, Jesus often used the vineyard as an analogy for the Kingdom of God (Matt. 20:1-16). Those who hope to enter the Kingdom must be like the son who at first refused to work in his father's vineyard, but later repented (Matt. 21:28-32 and parallels). Ultimately, Jesus Himself is described as the "true vine" and His disciples (Christians) as the branches (John 15:1-11). One of the best descriptions for entering into the new comes from Matthew 9:17: "Nor do they put new wine into old wineskins, or else the wineskins break, the wine is spilled, and the wineskins are ruined. But they put new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved."
The Lord is addressing John's disciples because they are questioning the methods He is using to train up His disciples. He then makes the analogy of putting a patch on an old garment, or putting new wine into an old wineskin. We also see the grace of the Lord in this because He wants to preserve the old as He develops the new. He is also saying to John's disciples, "Don't limit Me to just what John did, but expect Me to move in a new way." Therefore, through this analogy, He reveals that He will develop new wine and He will develop a new structure for that wine.
WINE is a beverage primarily made from fermented grapes. Grapes grew throughout ancient Palestine. Even in areas with limited rainfall, enough dew fell at night to support thriving vineyards. Pressing the juice from the grapes produces wine. This is done in large stone vats with a small drain at one end.
Hear the clock tickingThe juice was collected in troughs, poured into large jars, and allowed to ferment, while stored in cool, rock cisterns. In New Testament times, wine was kept in skin flasks and was often diluted with water. It was also used as a medicine and disinfectant. Scripture condemns drunkenness and overindulgence, but pictured wine as part of the typical ancient meal. You can't have wine without a vine! (Photo of the winepress at the Global Spheres Center)
In the Bible, wine was a necessary part of even the simplest meal. Wine and grain were staples. The abundance of wine signified God's overflowing blessings. Failure to have a wine crop indicated destruction, calamity or barrenness. There was no problem, Biblically with a moderate "gladdening of the heart" through wine. Jewish legalism was also linked with the concept of old wineskins or structures. I believe we are watching the Lord develop a new wine to bring forth, as well as a new wineskin.
The Vine is Important!
Any plant having a flexible stem supported by creeping along a surface or by climbing a natural or artificial support is known as a VINE. The word vine in the Bible almost always refers to the grapevine or vineyard. The climate of Palestine was well suited for vineyards. Along with the olive and fig trees, the grapevine is used throughout the Old Testament to symbolize the fertility of the land (Deut. 6:11; Josh. 24:13; 1 Sam. 8:14; 2 Kings 5:26; Jer. 5:17; 40:10; Hos. 2:12).
The origin of viticulture lies in the antiquity of the unknown past. The Bible traces the origin of caring for vineyards to the time of Noah (Gen. 9:20-21). The planting and care of a vineyard required constant and intensive care. The most detailed description of the work involved is found in Isaiah 5:1-6. He is the vine!
Pruning is an Important Process!
After the grapes had set on the branches, the vines were pruned (Lev. 25:4; Isa. 18:5; John 15:1-2). This process produced stronger branches and a greater fruit yield. The pruned branches were useless except to be used as fuel (Ezek. 15:2-8). The vines for the most part were allowed to run on the ground, though occasionally they might climb a nearby tree (compare Ps. 80:8-10; Ezek. 15:2; 19:11). Perhaps it was this latter occurrence that made it possible for a man to "sit under" his vine (1 Kings 4:25).
Only in the Roman period were artificial trellises introduced. The Bible frequently uses vine or vineyard as a symbol. Vine is often used in speaking of Israel. Thus, Israel is said to have been brought out of Egypt and planted as a vine on the land but was forsaken (Ps. 80:8-13; compare Isa. 5:1-7). Israel was planted a "choice vine," but became a "wild vine" (Jer. 2:21; compare Hos. 10:1). As the dead wood of a vine is good for nothing but fuel, so the inhabitants of Jerusalem would be consumed (Ezek. 15:1-8; 19:10-14). The fruit of the vine gladdens the heart of humankind (Ps. 104:15; Eccl. 10:19) and suppresses pain and misery (Prov. 31:6-7).
They will bow their kneesIsrael was "like grapes in the wilderness" when God found them (Hos. 9:10), and the remnant surviving the Exile is compared to a cluster of grapes (Isa. 65:8). Finally, an abundance of the vine symbolizes the glorious age to come when the treader of the grapes will overtake the one who sows the seed (Amos 9:13-15; compare Gen. 49:10-12). (Photo: Vineyard at the Global Spheres Center in moonlight)
Allow the completion of the pruning process you are in so a greater joy can come forth in your life. Joy produces strength. Let all the dead wood be cut off of you. Let the sorrow and failures of the past season be removed so you become a sweet, new, drink in the hands of the Lord.
What is the New Wine?
Several types of wine were consumed. "New" or "sweet" wine was likely wine from the first drippings of juice before the grapes had been trodden. Some interpreters argue that new wine was unfermented. Some texts in which it is mentioned, however, allude to its intoxicating effects (Hos. 4:11; Acts 2:13). In a hot climate, before the invention of refrigeration, it was not possible to keep wine many months past the harvest, before fermentation began. Sour wine, perhaps vinegar mixed with oil, was a common drink of day laborers (Ruth 2:14; Luke 23:36). Wine was considered a luxury item which could both gladden the heart (Ps. 104:15) or cloud the mind (Isa. 28:7; Hos. 4:11).
I define new wine this way, "The New Wine is the anointing of God to release the abundance of God's life, joy and blessing in the lives of His people!" A good picture of the "New Wine" anointing is found in Acts Chapter Two. When the Spirit of God fell on the apostles, He released the life of God upon them. They were so overwhelmed by the overflowing joy of His presence, observers assumed they were drunk! The crowd thought they were drunk with wine, but really they were filled with NEW WINE! God wants us to be "filled with New Wine" and to walk in fullness of joy, with a vibrant spirit, full of life! When God begins to release His New Wine, the first step may surprise us.
God Longs to Bless!
The abundance of vines and vineyards were seen as expressions of God's favor. In the Bible, the fullness of God's blessing is described as "grain, new wine and oil" (Jer. 31:12). Psalm 104:15 tells us that wine makes the heart glad, oil makes our face shine (glory), and bread (grain) gives us strength. That is God's desire, for each one of us.
God wants us to have strength to stand against the enemy. He wants us to shine with His glory and fulfill our destiny in the earth. He also wants us to walk in overflowing, abundant life here in the earth-realm! God wants us to have the fullness of His blessing in every season, but there are seasons when He focuses on a particular aspect of His blessing. We are in a season when the Spirit of God wants to release a fresh supply of New Wine to His Church.
The Winepress for the NEW!
Hear the clock tickingThe first step in wine making is the "stomping." New wine cannot be released until grapes are stomped! The yeast that produces fermentation grows on the outside of the grape skin. The juice is on the inside. If the grape skin remains unbroken, the process of fermentation cannot begin, and the grape will eventually shrivel up and turn into a raisin! But, when the grapes are stomped, the grape skin is broken. The yeast mixes with the juice, and new wine comes forth. That's a picture of how God deals with our flesh.
When God gives us a vision, our flesh grabs it and tries to "make it happen" in fleshly energy. But the flesh cannot please God. So God has to put our desires and ambitions into the winepress and stomp them, until our flesh lets go!
Press Forth Into New Vision!
This process is called "death of a vision." Death of a vision is a process every character in the Bible went through, to come into a place of God's blessing. God promised Abraham a son, then waited 25 years until Abraham's recognized his own inability to "make it happen." God anointed David to be king, but then allowed David to be hunted by Saul until David entrusted his future entirely to God. God raised up Moses to set Israel free, then sent him out to the backside of the desert until he died to his own abilities.
God will allow your vision to be stomped! He will wait for it to die, then He will resurrect it in supernatural power. God always works through life, death, and resurrection! If you are in a season where it seems all your hopes and dreams are being stomped, I have good news! Resurrection is coming! God is preparing to release His NEW WINE in you!
Let Patience Bring Forth Her Perfect Work!
If you are in the winepress, it's important to allow the stomping to have its full effect. If we resist stomping, the new wine cannot flow. If we refuse to die to our own desires and ambitions, what comes out is not the New Wine, but the old whine! We see our hopes and ambitions frustrated, and we start to murmur and complain, "I don't see why this is happening! God, this isn't what You promised!" Old whine is full of frustration, bitterness and anger! It will never bring the results God wants. If God has you in the winepress, He is looking for a shift! He wants you to shift:
• from ambition to submission.
• from trying to trusting.
• from our old ways, plans, mindsets, to a walk of faith.
• from the attitude, "I can make it happen," to "God, You will do it!"
Out of that shifting flows the new wine of the Spirit! If you are in the winepress, it's important that you stop reaching back to the old and familiar. Die to your ability to make it happen. Declare God's word, by faith. Trust God completely to do all that He has promised!
Watching After Your Vineyard!
Stone walls and/or hedges were usually built around the vineyard to protect the grapes from thirsty animals and from thieves (Song of Sol. 2:15; Jer. 49:9). Watchtowers were also built to provide further protection. The hewing out of a winepress or vat completed the vineyard installation (Isa. 5:2). During the harvesting season, the owner of the vineyard might live in a booth, to stay close to his valuable crop (Isa. 1:8).
The harvest of the grapes took place in August or September. Watch now, so you see the full fruit of the new coming forth this fall.
Prayer Focus for Bringing Forth New Wine:
Day 1. Read Isaiah 41 and 28:23-29. There is a bruising and a breaking that we must go through. Don't resist the stomping. Unless the skin is broken, we will end up as a raisin. So many in the old wineskin have resisted being broken. Declare all the seeds that are within you will awaken and come forth. Enter into your personal harvest. Ask the Lord to make you into a new, sharp threshing instrument.
Day 2. Read James 4. Submit your gifts and stand under the authority God is giving you. Bloom where God has planted you. Draw near to God and be faithful!
Day 3. Read Hebrews 4 and 12. Don't live in the past. This leads only to regret and bitterness. If you have repented, God's grace will cover past sins and failings. Allow your past to be pruned away; instead of being a bitter drink offering, you will become a sweet drink offering to the Lord.
Day 4. Read Jeremiah 29. Don't live in the future, but know that you have a good future. God has a future for you, but joy and fulfillment are found in HIM now!
Day 5. Read John 14, 15 and 16. Allow the pruning process to bring forth the new in you. Seek your joy in Him now. There is a place of overwhelming life and joy in Him. Press in to Him! Draw closer to Him! As you do, the New Wine begins to flow!
Day 6. Read Matthew 6. Be anxious for nothing. List the top five priorities in your life. Seek Him first and His Kingdom and His righteousness and then everything else will fall in place.
Day 7. Read Psalm 4. Allow the Lord to set you apart for the future. Let new joy and gladness arise. Declare you will sleep in peace and you will feel safe in the presence of God.
Day 8. Read Deuteronomy 33:26-29. New wine brings the fullness of God's security and provision.
Day 9. Read Joel 2 and 3. New wine is a sign of God's presence dwelling with His people and your land being restored and rejoicing.
Hear the clock tickingDay 10. Read Jeremiah 31. The new is for you. New wine is part of the bounty of the Lord.
Day 11. Read Song of Solomon 2, 3 and 4. Ask the Lord to reveal to you the little foxes that are trying to crush the vine that will bring forth the new wine. Get a vision of your future identity. Ask the Lord to send a new wind and blow upon your garden.
Day 12. Read Proverbs 3:1-10. Ask the Lord how to give the first fruits of your increase so your vats will run over with new wine. Understand and experience God's blessing.
Day 13. Read Song of Solomon 8 and Psalm 16. Ask the Lord to come into your vineyard. Let Him prophetically reveal to you the fruit you are going to bring forth in the future. Enter into your promised inheritance.
Day 14. Read Matthew 16. Ask the Lord for revelation. Ask the Lord for the building plan for your future. Ask the Lord for keys. Just as Peter connected with the Father in Heaven, connect with the Father in a way that you begin to unlock the Kingdom of God within you.
Day 15. Read Hosea 2:14-23. Unlock your door of hope. Know that there is hope in your Valley of Achor. Ask God for that new door of hope to open up. Ask the Lord for mercy. Renew your covenant with God. New wine occurs when Heaven and earth agree.
Day 16. Read Revelation 14:14-20. Declare that the harvest in the nations will come into the winepress.
Day 17. Read Psalm 119:81-88. Declare that any premature aging or stiffness will begin to break from you and you will become a new wineskin.
Day 18. Read Ezekiel 37. Declare that which has been scattered will come back together into a new structure.
Day 19. Read Ephesians 4. Pray for the government of God in your region. For new wine to come forth, the government of God must be established in its fullness.
Day 20. Read John 2. Let the Lord change your water into new wine. He used the pots of religious ritualism to fill them with new wine. Ask the Lord to remove the spirit of religion from you. Let His glory begin to shine.
Day 21. Read Matthew 9 and 14. Be willing to let go of any old method that is operating in your life, business, church, etc. Notice the teaching after the wineskin. The lady who had an issue of blood for 12 years pressed through and touched Jesus. Jesus was on His way to awaken the 12-year-old daughter of Jairus. Declare that now is the time to press through into the new, even in your weakness. Declare that what needs to wake up will wake up now. There is a time when the old season ends. When John the Baptist was beheaded, the old season ended. Allow the old to end and the new to begin.
It's time for new wine. It's time for the new wine skin. Both are coming forth. Enter in!
Chuck D. Pierce
Glory of Zion International Ministries


Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Love starts within.....

Know what People? Learning to love yourself based on you being the best your hair...dress the way you happy with the little quirks that make you uniquely you.....this leads to peace that exudes a beauty that cannot help but escape through and manifest in the natural....♡♥♡♥


~Love accepts you for who you are....where you are....and it starts with you!~