Sunday, June 29, 2014

Keep Your Dream... (Marriage)

A few days ago, a young lady shared that a woman who had been married for 30 years told her to NEVER get married and just have a boyfriend because marriage has too many problems. So never make a commitment? Hmm..not!

People.....never let anyone kill your dream. If God said it.....Keep believing. He is a promise keeper! While I can understand the woes of a 30 year marriage, folks need to put God first and stop settling for mediocrity.

My response to her:

Been with my husband for 20 years and we've been married 17 years. If a type of hell could go wrong in marriage, it has in ours. We made commitment to not just survive...but to thrive. Commitment is not for the weak.

....Keep your dream. Marriage is beautiful. With God at the helm, we are overcomers and triumphant over ALL.

Marriage is what you make it.. Not all roses, but not all thorns either. Love is an action word!

If you are waiting for a mate and your God ordained time has not arrived, keep standing! God is a redeemer of time and He is the God of the impossible. He will keep His word. Do not let the enemy steal your promise and entice you to give up!

Standing in agreement with you for God's promises. Love you all!  ♡♡♡

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Accurate Discernment

Good Morning:

.......Accurate discernment is the ability to see the light and the dark....the good and the evil. Accurate discernment should drive you to compassion to pray & bless your enemies, and to seek God's strategy on what to do with the info you have.

It will not send you out calling folks demons on social media. It will not cause you to discern someone else until you can LOOK IN THE MIRROR and truly see yourself. Often what you see in them is a REFLECTION.

Discernment is a tool of love for people and should drive you to humility and compassion.  It is a weapon of mass destruction only in the spiritual realm. God did not intend for us to use it to tear each other down. That's the enemy's job. Don't help him.
