Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The Dream: Fifty Years Later

Fifty years ago today, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gave the famous "I have a dream" speech at the largest demonstration to date at Nation's capital. That speech  placed him among the ranks of men who have shaped America.

I learned that Mahalia Jackson encouraged him to improvise the Dream speech while he was on stage.

Fifty years is a long time. Thankful that we are not where we used to be and hopeful for where we will be, but as I look around- I'm concerned about where we are and how to get to a better future. I could list all of the stats that show disparities among blacks and other minorities, but we know that we have a long way to go.

As with every killing and act of wrong doing, I know that it breaks God's heart...I often wonder what Dr. MLK would say about Treyvon Martin, racial profiling, sagging pants, the use of the "N" word in ANY capacity, the noticeable disparities in pay & opportunities that still exist....and I could add more things to the list...

It is my prayer that we can all (or more of us) start to operate from a position of what we have in common versus our differences. I pray that we can erase racism....ignorance is no longer an excuse that we can tolerate. We have to all do our part.

Be blessed on purpose!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Children: Our Responsibility and Future

We love the children!

It is so easy to get caught up in the mindset that life is easy for our children, but we have to remember that they have the same struggles that we had as well as a few we didn't. Self esteem,  confidence,  subjects in school we hated or didn't do well in.....and the era of technology that makes bullying quick, recurrent, and widespread.

Here are some tools to assist:

1. Pray for your children often. As their parent, it's important to pray for them because your words are a powerful force in their lives.

2. Teach your children how to infuse the Word of God into their daily lives. As an example, in our Bible study, we spoke about the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). Each child was given a fruit to work on that we knew they needed to work on and gave instructions on how to hear God show them how to navigate situations where this fruit would be needed.

3. Establish a daily routine...children based on age need a certain amount of sleep. They need regular meal times..they need exercise's hard sitting in a class ALL day...that's why Charlie Brown's teachers sounded like that.... (joke).

4. Pick a time where you can listen to their school stories...this is a good time to hear areas for growth and infusion/adjustment of godly principles and moral awareness.

5. Make homework and some level of reading a priority. In our home...grab a snack...and hit the books..

6. Be a safe place for them....what are your plans if they suddenly need something or you need to get to them? We cannot stand by as parents and say..."oh well." God has entrusted them to you! Check their phones...their social media; etc. It's okay to be a stalker in this case. Most of you remember the event where we had to deal with that on FB. Parents, we have to be diligent and aware.

7. See your children everyday before they leave the house...look them in their eyes...some days, I fail at this because I'm in another part of the house and I yell "love you! Have a great day!"..etc etc...

8. Speak life into them....use your words to equip them, edify them, build their confidence, and launch them into destiny. Regularly. Daily.

No parent is perfect and I don't have perfect children. I pray for parents and teachers often.. God wants us to be good stewards over everything He has entrusted us with. Especially our children. They are worth our 100% effort and remember......they are our future!

Feel free to post other items below that are helpful tools to others. Some of these are just my thoughts and recommendations. Tweak them for your family...Be blessed on purpose!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Where's My Perfect Gift, God?

Where's My Perfect Gift, God??

"Every good gift and every perfect ([a]free, large, full) gift is from above; it comes down from the Father of all [that gives] light, in [the shining of] Whom there can be no variation [rising or setting] or shadow cast by His turning [as in an eclipse]." -James 1:17 (AMP).

Did you know that you are God's gift?

There was a time where I was called to help a person, but they rejected my help. The "package" (me) wasn't wrapped the way they liked it. It was my sincere desire to help lighten their load, but I wasn't good enough. At least I thought...until I asked for release....God's words to me: "Daughter, you are a gift....everyone has the option to accept or reject a gift...just like they will choose to accept or reject my son, Jesus." And with that, I was released into peace.

Many complain about God does not send what is needed, but could it be that it was rejected?  Was it too old? Too young? Too tall? Too mouthy?

-You do NOT dictate the gift details to God; He chooses the person and/or details of your deliverance/provision. Jesus spit in some dirt and put it on a man's eyes for healing (John 9:6). Was that required? Probably not, but your job is to receive what you need.

~Get what you need no matter what it looks like!~

Be blessed!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

It's in the Genes!

Some time ago my daughter was admiring the length and strength of my nails and said, "I wish my nails would grow like that..." I held my hands close to hers and got it, know why? Cause it's in the genes baby! Now, they've grown long and strong...she came home the other day and told us that someone asked her if they were real- to which she replied, "of course, because it's in my genes!" Haha..

And so it is in the Kingdom of God. When we accept Him as our savior- we take on His spiritual DNA. Romans 8:14-15 tells us: "For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father."

God's DNA gives us: holiness, righteousness, love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance just to name a few.

So, when adversity comes your way- declare the power of God that lives on the inside of you. God's spiritual DNA transcends any boundaries and His unrelenting love is unconditional.

~What's in YOUR genes? I'm grateful for the spiritual DNA of God! ~

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Keep Your Pearls

A few days ago...I was trying to explain (unsuccessfully) how God was repositioning me. I began to get frustrated, but realized that it was futile. This well meaning person just did not see that God's plan in this season is the OPPOSITE of conventional wisdom.

Wisdom has taught me that there are some moments in time where only the Lord understands or there is a very tight knit group of people who can relate. He doesn't ever leave us stranded or alone.

So, do not get frustrated- just look up and say "FORWARD!"  

Everyone wants to be understood..there's nothing wrong with that....Often, we operate out of the fact that we should be able to articulate what we're going through to any and everyone around us.....but sometimes being misunderstood ( and how its handled) is a part of the process of the deliverance to the next place.

No condemnation of yourself or others when misunderstood. Do not think you've slipped back into people pleasing or into dependency. It does not mean anything is wrong with YOU or THEM. It means that each person may be at different places in life.

The key is to recognize who is in your circle of understanding. The list is usually short. There are rare moments that it's just you and Jesus... I say rare because we are not islands unto ourselves.

Use wisdom. Just like pearls....time is precious. Use these situations to discern the difference and to learn how to focus on what has been set before you!

Be blessed on purpose!


Thursday, August 1, 2013

A Life Lesson......Death comes for us all....

A Day In Life: After the sudden death of a cousin last week and my favorite aunt (her mom) in's a few lessons I'd like to share with you:

1. No one knows the day or the hour...You do not know when your time is up. 

2. Prepare accordingly. Planning help reduce the stress in a situation that's inherently stressful. Well, as much as you can. Sometimes life doesn't fit into our neat little boxes. See number 3.

3. No bickering about what a person SHOULD have done. Decide whether you can, will, or should participate/contribute.  Stick to the task at hand and learn the lesson.

4. Have meaningful and communicative relationships. Stop putting off calls and always make sure that the ones you love know it.

5. Remember that life is short. Love hard. Live life. Play!  Have fun! Write that book. See that movie! Dance in the rain! Stop waiting for the "right time." There isn't one anyway.