Thursday, August 1, 2013

A Life Lesson......Death comes for us all....

A Day In Life: After the sudden death of a cousin last week and my favorite aunt (her mom) in's a few lessons I'd like to share with you:

1. No one knows the day or the hour...You do not know when your time is up. 

2. Prepare accordingly. Planning help reduce the stress in a situation that's inherently stressful. Well, as much as you can. Sometimes life doesn't fit into our neat little boxes. See number 3.

3. No bickering about what a person SHOULD have done. Decide whether you can, will, or should participate/contribute.  Stick to the task at hand and learn the lesson.

4. Have meaningful and communicative relationships. Stop putting off calls and always make sure that the ones you love know it.

5. Remember that life is short. Love hard. Live life. Play!  Have fun! Write that book. See that movie! Dance in the rain! Stop waiting for the "right time." There isn't one anyway.

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