Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Keep Your Pearls

A few days ago...I was trying to explain (unsuccessfully) how God was repositioning me. I began to get frustrated, but realized that it was futile. This well meaning person just did not see that God's plan in this season is the OPPOSITE of conventional wisdom.

Wisdom has taught me that there are some moments in time where only the Lord understands or there is a very tight knit group of people who can relate. He doesn't ever leave us stranded or alone.

So, do not get frustrated- just look up and say "FORWARD!"  

Everyone wants to be understood..there's nothing wrong with that....Often, we operate out of the fact that we should be able to articulate what we're going through to any and everyone around us.....but sometimes being misunderstood ( and how its handled) is a part of the process of the deliverance to the next place.

No condemnation of yourself or others when misunderstood. Do not think you've slipped back into people pleasing or into dependency. It does not mean anything is wrong with YOU or THEM. It means that each person may be at different places in life.

The key is to recognize who is in your circle of understanding. The list is usually short. There are rare moments that it's just you and Jesus... I say rare because we are not islands unto ourselves.

Use wisdom. Just like pearls....time is precious. Use these situations to discern the difference and to learn how to focus on what has been set before you!

Be blessed on purpose!


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