Thursday, August 21, 2014

It Is Coming Because He Promised!

When a woman is in the last stage of pregnancy, it is the most miserable time because everything is swollen and there's no way to get comfortable. The body is saying, I can't take it anymore!

And so it is with some of us spiritually. Many of us have experienced deep encounters of financial loss, family issues, hostile work environments, subtle or not so subtle attempts to hold you down..just to name a a nutshell, it feels like hell has been unleashed against you....."But God, I have been faithful. I have been obedient.  I've been tested....I'm tired, God!....maybe I missed You, perhaps I was wrong!" Do not fall for this!!!!! This is your condition speaking! Just like childbirth, once the vision/promise is birthed, the beauty of the vision overrides the previous pain.

I've come to tell you today that God has not forgotten His faithful and obedient ones. Those who stand in the midst of insurmountable pressure. Every promise, vision, and provision will come to pass, says the Lord. Do not fret, give in, or think that He has changed His mind.

My prayer: Dear heavenly Father,
You are a promise keeper. I believe that Your promises are yea and amen. Strengthen your children tonight with a tangible manifestation of power, love, and a sound mind. We take authority over the accuser of the brethren and declare that his tactics fall to the ground with no affect in Jesus name. Expose his tactics and the strategy to overcome his weak attempt to cancel destinies in Jesus name.  We ask for the release of a "leap" confirmation to Your children for their comfort in Jesus name. I decree a stirring of gifts tonight in Jesus name. Send refreshed ideas and strategies, God. Send music, books, and business ideas with capital in Jesus name. We trust in Your word and know that You will perfect every concern. In Jesus name I humbly thank You for hearing and moving on our behalf. Amen.

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