Sunday, January 6, 2013

Realistic Expectations

The Journey: One of the most interesting things I have learned is how to have the proper expectation in life. Often, I have seen that Americans have the mindset that someone owes them something. I believe that we are fed that lie in our youth. The truth I learned is that no one is going to give you anything on this earth.

Business owe you a paycheck after a period of performance. You are not necessarily going to make friends. And based on our economy, it should be known that business are out to make a profit and are looking in the best interest of that company. We are responsible for ourselves and we have to do what is best for ourselves. While I do believe that we are headed for a paradigm shift in this area, it is not here yet.

The biggest key I have learned in this area is that when people show you who they are (notice I said show and not tell), believe them. If they are liars, gossipers, or great people- then that is what they are. I have learned that proper expectations give you a dose of reality and assist you in maintaining a proper perspective. In other words, proper expectation keeps me out of denial and presents a realistic truth in my life that assists me in obtaining peace as well as proper vision & insight. Be blessed, FB.

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